What makes a good read?

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I admit that I'm sort of judgemental when it comes to reading a book. Before downloading a book, I read the summary.
(This is a personal judgement call, you in no way should/ or have to follow.) I now refuse to read a book with the names; Zayne, Xavier, or Victoria.
The next thing I look for is a plot. Is it original? Does this sound like a flop? How well written is it?
After the book is on my list, I give the book six chapters to reel me in. Now if you spend a HOLE page talking about your outfit and hair, while getting ready for school, delete the page and say you did your morning routine.
Another thing I look for while reading a story is how well its written. I understand that there will be grammer mistakes, and that's fine! What isn't fine is how some people write how they text.
For example:

OMG, IDK wat dey tlkn bout

I cannot stand text-speak. At. All.
What is so hard about writing out whole words with expressions?
Next, is there a moral to the story?
1. The demon who learns to love, and also self-sacrifice.
2. The king who learns that a peasent girl is no better or worse than him.
3. Being a good person is hard work, but that it pays off in happiness.

Some books, they fall flat on there face because you soon to realize that through out the entire thing...nothing happens. I'm not such a great writer but I think that some books can follow this.

And that is how I look for a good book on this website.

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