Deny, Deny, Deny

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Sarah's POV

As I arrived to work I saw Richard and  Derek looking at me with a mad look. ''What are you doing here?'' Derek asked as I checked my schedule for today. ''I'm working. What else would I be doing?'' I said with a shocked look. ''Should you not be home?'' Richard said and I smiled a little. ''I still have some weeks left so shut up. If I get tired I could go home but as long I could work I will work.'' I said and started to walk away. 

''Are you sure you could work?'' Derek said as he walked after me. ''Derek sweetie I know you care about me but stop. I know when I can't work anymore.'' I said and kissed his cheek. I looked away from us and saw Addison standing at the nurses station. ''Okey I have to go.'' I said and walked off. As I walked around I went to check on Christina. ''Hey good morning.'' I said as I walked into her room. ''Good morning. What are you doing?'' She asked me and smiled a little. 

''I wanted to see how you were doing before I go check on my patients.'' I said and smiled back to her as I checked on her chart. ''I'm okey. I would just like to get back to work. I can't handle just being in this bed.'' She said and looked away. I realized that she didn't want to talk about her health. ''I understand where you are coming from but we need to get you okey so you could help other people.'' I said and Christina nodded. 

''Okey I would like to stay and keep you company but I have patients and they need me.'' I said and waved at her. ''O'Malley you are with me today.'' I said as I saw the interns and gave George my files. ''What cases we have today?'' George asked me as we walked to the kids floor. ''We have a case with Dr Shepherd but over all if we won't have any emergency cases we have a slow day.'' I said and started to go check on my patient. 

''Hey Max how are you feeling?'' I asked Max as I walked in. ''I'm doing good. I'm feeling a little tired but over all good.'' He said and I looked at his files. ''Okey your tests look good and the kidney looks good as well.'' I said and smiled at him. ''Okey Dr O'Malley is going to check on your stitches and then you could sleep again.'' I said and came out of the way for O'Malley to do his thing. 

''His stitches look good and they are healing great.'' George said and I nodded. ''Okey I will come check on you before I will go home.'' I said to Max and his grandma. ''Okey O'Malley come on we have to meet Dr Shepherd.'' I said and started to walk to a teenage girls room. 

''Okey Derek do you want O'Malley to present or Grey?'' I asked him as I saw him and Meredith in Minnis room. ''Grey could present.'' He said and I handed Grey the files. ''Micha Drevor, 16 years old and has a Pituitary Adenoma. She lost her eye sight 3 weeks ago but after the surgery Dr Shepherd hopes the eye sight will come back.'' Meredith said and the parents nodded. 

''Dr Jordan will you be at the surgery as well?'' Minni asked me and I smiled. ''Yeah I will be there as well the whole time.'' I said and she nodded. ''What is the danger of the surgery?'' Minnis mom asked me and I smiled at them a little sad. ''Well there is a 90% chance that Minni will not get her sight back. There is a 60% chance that she won't survive the surgery and there is 40% chance that she will lose her hearing as well.'' I said and the parents nodded. 

''If you don't want to have the surgery we understand.'' Derek said and I nodded. ''No we want to have the chance. Even if there were 1% chance of her surviving, we would do it.'' Minnis mom said and we nodded. ''Okey Dr Grey and Dr O'Malley will get Minni ready and we will see you after the surgery.'' I said and waved goodbye to all of them. 

''How are you feeling about the surgery? I looked at the latest scans and saw the tumor has grown a little.'' I said to Derek at the nurses station. ''It is going to be tricky but I hope that everything is going to be okey.'' He said and I smiled. ''So how are things with Meredith?'' I asked whispering. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25 ⏰

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