New job, new life

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Sarah's POV

Few weeks later. 

After few weeks of getting ready for Seattle I was finally here with Derek. As for Mark and me I send him divorce papers but he hasn't sighed them yet. Mark has tried to call me and by the text's I see everyday he wants me to move back to New York. I hadn't really gotten over everything but moving to Seattle will help me. As well as me neither Derek hadn't had a place live, we are both staying in a hotel near the Seattle Grace Hospital. 

I walked to Dereks room and knocked on the door. ''Hey good morning, you ready to go?'' I asked after Derek opened the door. He nodded and grabbed a few thing from his room. ''How is the morning sickness?'' He asked as we walked to his car. 

''Well I could not keep my breakfast down but it is getting better. We will see at work how I'm going to handle it.'' I laughed and he laughed as well. ''You know Richard said if you need to leave you can. You just have paper work today.'' Derek said as we got to the car. ''Yeah I know but I want to get to know the people I work with and I just need something to do. Especially because tomorrow I'm going to look at house's.'' I smiled at him and he nodded. The rest of the ride went with us talking about the girl Derek hooked up yesterday. 

''Was that just a hook up or are you looking a relationship with someone?'' I asked him as we arrived to the hospital. ''I don't even know. It was just a moment I didn't think about New York and how both of our lives were turned upside down in a night.'' Derek said as he looked at the hospital and stood still.

 ''Well come on, we can't be late on our first day.'' I pulled him to the doors and he laughed. ''You are acting like you are intern again.'' I smiled and saw Richard talking to some nurses. ''Like I have said many times, this is a new beginning and I will soon have a baby in me so act happier.'' I smiled and waved Richard over. 

''Sarah, Derek how are you guys?'' He asked as he hugged me and shook Derek's hand. ''As good as we can be. But now we are here I'm happier.'' I smiled as I saw few interns running in. ''Aww look baby's, I remember when I was that exited.'' I added and both men beside me laughed. 

''You know it will only last for a day or so. And then they will think everything over.'' Derek said and Richard nodded. ''Okey I will have to go and do the tour but nurse Manny will show you around and I will find you after the tour and then we will sign the papers.'' Me and Derek both nodded and Richard waved goodbye to us. 

''Hey I'm Manny and Chief Webber told me to show you guys around. So I will show you where the change of clothes are and then we can go on.'' I smiled at Manny and nodded. Derek stayed looking at one of the interns as I started to walk on.

I waved at him and he snapped out of his thoughts, I looked at him weirdly and he just smiled at me. ''No no Derek you didn't. You didn't sleep with one of the interns.'' I whispered at him as we followed Manny. ''I didn't know who she was. I didn't know I was going to be working with her.'' He whispered back to me and I just shook my head. 

''Oh this is a mess already.'' I said and as Derek put his tongue out to me Manny turned to us and smiled. ''Here is the attending room so I will meet back here in 10 minutes with you guys.'' I nodded and thanked him. ''Well let's go we don't have whole day.'' Derek said as I looked at the nurses station. ''Yeah yeah right.'' I shook out of my bubble. ''What's wrong?'' Derek asked me as we walked into the room. 

''The nurses looked at my belly and looked at you. I know the rumors are going to be crazy and I can't handle that.'' I sadly smiled as I rubbed my little swollen stomach. ''Hey if anybody is mean to you I will talk to them. Like the older brother I am.'' Derek hugged me and I smiled with tears in my eyes. ''Thank you Derek. I don't how I could do this if you weren't here with me.'' I said as I pulled back and he kissed me head. 

Heartbreak and healing- Mark SloanWhere stories live. Discover now