Chapter 13

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''What ?! I'll be on my way.'' It was Oda. Chuuya was the one to contact him to inform him of Dazai's condition. He went through a bit of a trouble trying to get Oda's number, he didn't even know him. Oda was just a nobody in the mafia, a nobody to him. But he figured he would want to see Dazai if he cared for him, which he did, even if they had been friends for less than a year.

Chuuya sat on a chair by his partner's bedside. Dazai was in a coma, breathing with the help of a ventilator. The doctor said that he might wake up after a few days, so Chuuya asked for a week off from the boss, and Mori agreed. A while ago, the ginger head had a call with the boss, which was when he knew about the whole story, and how Dazai was the key to saving him.

''You said you weren't gonna use yourself as bait again, you idiot ,'' he said softly to the brunet, sadness lingering in his eyes.

He turned around when he heard a knock. Chuuya opened the door to see Oda standing outside. ''Chuuya-kun, nice to meet you.'' Oda bowed slightly as he met the teenager who held a higher post in the mafia. ''You don't have to bow to me, Oda. We're both here as Dazai's friends, we're not in the mafia building. Come in.'' Oda nodded before he followed Chuuya into the room, closing the door behind him.

The elder male approached the hospital bed as he asked Chuuya, who was already leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. ''How is he ?'' Chuuya looked down to the floor as he answered, ''He went through a six-hour surgery. Deep cuts were all over his body and some of his internal organs were damaged, severe internal bleeding caused by toxic gas. He's in a coma but the doctor said he'll probably wake up after a few days.'' Oda frowned, worried as he nodded.

''I'll leave him to you, I have to go back and take a bath, but I'll be back by nine. Will you still be here ?'' Chuuya asked. ''Yeah I'll be here till you come back.'' Chuuya nodded and went back home, walking under the evening sky alone.

That night, Chuuya stayed for the night at the hospital. He slept sitting on the chair and leaning on the bed. The next morning, the doctor said that Dazai was getting better, that he could breath on his own without the help of the ventilator. After hearing the good news, Chuuya talked to the brunet, just like he did the night before.

''Hey Mackerel, the doctor said that you're doing a good job recovering. I have things I wanna tell you, yell at you actually, for putting yourself in danger like that again, so you'd better wake up as soon as you can to hear that, you idiot.''

He paused. ''I... I was worried sick, shitty Dazai, you stopped breathing in my arms all of a sudden, that wasn't funny. You said last year that you wanna live right? So stop throwing yourself in danger and live. I want you to live, I want you to... be by my side, like you always did...''

He looked around the room to make sure that no one else was there even if he knew he was alone. His fingers started to rub against each other as he continued. ''I dunno when it started okay? But I--but I like you... I dunno why but I juz do.'' It was way easier to get his feelings out when the brunet wasn't awake, he wasn't even sure if someone in a coma could hear what he was saying.

''I mean we fight literally every single day, and you're always being annoying, trying to piss me off. But somehow I like how we get along by... not getting along, if you know what I mean. But... I dunno if you feel the same, or you juz really hate me and try to annoy me to get me to stay away from you... and I dunno if you have a girlfriend or a boyfriend. But that doesn't matter, I'll juz be your partner at work, nothing else. That's fine by me... I guess ,'' he muttered the last phrase under his breath.

In fact, he wasn't sure if he wanted him to hear all of that. Dazai would probably push him away if he didn't feel the same for Chuuya, their relationship, even only as partners, would break.

Someone knocked on the door, it was Mori, with Kouyou behind him. ''Boss, Ane-san.'' Mori waved his hand, telling Chuuya to be at ease. They stayed for a while, asking Chuuya about Dazai's condition. Then Mori had to head back to the HQ for work, while Kouyou invited Chuuya to have breakfast with her nearby.

They went to a restaurant, the same one the ginger head had gone to with Dazai after the previous mission. Kouyou ordered a cup of tea, Chuuya got himself peach tea. She took a sip and put her tea down, then she asked, ''Is it Dazai ?'' The boy was puzzled. ''What do you mean ?'' Kouyou smiled. ''Your crush, is it Dazai ?''

Seeing the boy stay silent, she knew the answer right away. ''He'll wake up soon. When he does, make sure to tell him how you feel okay? In this line of work, you never know what happens the next second. So do treasure and make the best of the time you have, with people you love.'' Chuuya took a long and slow sip as he blushed a little at hearing that. ''I don't--I don't--he's not my c--crush.'' He stumbled over his words, that made Kouyou chuckle. ''It's okay to admit it you know.'' Then she chuckled more when Chuuya looked away in embarrassment.

Dazai has been in a coma for three days. Chuuya stayed overnight for the first two and went back home the third night. Oda would visit sometimes, and Chuuya would leave him alone with Dazai everytime he came, he figured Oda must have wanted to talk to Dazai too.

In the past few days, many people have come. Mori, Kouyou, some members of the mafia, they all paid Dazai a visit. Besides them, some girls Chuuya didn't know also came, the waitress from before was one of them. He didn't even know how they knew about Dazai being in a hospital, but that brunet seemed to really have his charm around girls. Well, sometimes even the enemy got attracted to his charming face, not to mention Chuuya himself.

A week has passed. Chuuya was drinking from a small carton of milk he had bought from a store nearby while looking outside the window, admiring the morning view of Yokohama. He described the beautiful scene in detail to the sleeping beauty, then decided to head back home to tidy his place up.

He came across Oda in the aisle on the way back, so he thought he could stay at home a little longer now that Oda was with Dazai. Chuuya wiped his desk and drawers clean, putting books back onto the shelves after his partner had read them a week ago, needless to say, without putting them back to where books belong. Chuuya did go back home the night before, but he didn't care about the scattered books on his desk, he went straight to his bed after a bath.

About an hour of cleaning his room, he got a call from Oda. ''He's awake ?!'' ''Yeah, the doctor's checking on him right now.'' ''Alright I'm on my way.'' That was the best thing ever that could happen at that moment. The ginger head grabbed his jacket and his hat, and went straight for the hospital.

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