Chapter 9

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A scalpel cut deep into his arm, blood soaked his dangling bandages wet. He merely winced at the sensation, not showing how he truly felt even when the blade came in contact with his bone.

It hurts.

It was about seven in the next morning. Tsuki didn't even care enough to anesthetize him before trying to cut his life out of him. It started not too long ago, a ten minutes or so, after the scientist came back with his suitcase of tools with him. He placed the suitcase on the vintage table located not too near the chair Dazai sat on and took out a scalpel, with a sadistic grin on his face.

He then began cutting on Dazai's forearm. It wasn't exactly cutting, it was more like stabbing and then pulling the blade, making the cut larger. The bandages that were once on the brunet's arm fell dangling, dripping warm blood onto the floor after the blade had sliced through.

''This is your way of collecting blood samples huh.'' The scientist nodded frantically at him as he smiled with his black eyes shining with enjoyment. ''Don't worry you won't bleed to death. I won't let something like that happen until I get everything I want from you.'' The brunet raised his brows. ''Wow I feel so reassured thank you ,'' Dazai replied with utter sarcasm. Seemingly done with cutting, Tsuki took out a blood collection tube and forcefully pressed it into the large cut.

It really hurts.

Blood filled the tube, more blood dripped onto the floor as Tsuki took out the tube, digging and stretching the bloody cut using his bare fingers. At this point, Dazai's arm was shaking from the agony. He bit his bottom lip hard, forcefully telling himself to endure it.

It certainly wasn't the first time he got cut, the unholy amount of scars on his arms were the proof of that. But those were his own doing to let out his suppressed emotion, he'd never cut that deep, he hated pain after all.

Hours passed. Tsuki went in and out of the room, every single time bringing more pain upon the teenager. Every time Dazai was on the edge of passing out, the adult would shock him conscious with an electrical device.

On another arm, he sliced the brunet's skin open. He then scooped his flesh out into a bottle as casually as scooping ice cream, revealing the red muscles, blood streaming down the teenager's arm, giving him the only warmth from all the cold blood the scientist showed.

Dazai's lower lip started bleeding as he bit himself harder while he grunted under his trembling breath, barely able to withstand the excruciating sensation. Tsuki took out another blood collection tube with some other ability user's blood in it and injected it into Dazai's artery with a syringe.

How long does it have to take before Ane-san arrives ?

''It's impressive how you've managed yourself till now ,'' Tsuki paused his play with Dazai's flesh and bone. ''You... you haven't... done any... anyth... anything to Chuuya have... you...?'' He swallowed hard, it was difficult to speak. Dazai's vision was unclear, sweat running down his jaw as he was forced to keep himself conscious.

''Awww you're worried for your little friend~ how sweet~ He's fine, I'll get to him only after I'm done with you.'' Dazai felt like his head was spinning as he panted heavily, shakily. He was weary after going through all of that.

I can't die, Ane-san hasn't come yet. I can't allow this guy do the same to Chuuya as he's doing me.


15 hours have passed since Dazai's disappearance. A ringtone rang across Mori's office. ''Have you found it ?'' ''Yes boss.'' ''Text me the location immediately.'' ''Yes.'' Mori hung up and turned to face Kouyou after checking his phone. ''You know what to do, now go gather your men, I've sent you the coordinates.'' The woman nodded and rushed out the office.

Mori approached the side of the room to gaze at the morning view of Yokohama. He frowned, hoping that everything would go in the right way as planned.


Kyora, Kigami and Tsuki were having a drink in the meeting room. ''Did you have fun with the boy ?'' Kyora asked. Tsuki smirked with satisfaction. ''Of course I did.'' ''But you spent a whole hour cleaning yourself no ?'' Kigami asked with a frown on his face, then he smiled. ''But I guess it's worth it, I can finally escape from your boring philosophy speech.'' But he immediately got shot a sharp glance by his stepbrother, hinting him to stop offending their client.

Kigami changed the subject. ''I forgot to ask you Kyora. Why couldn't we just capture both of them at a time? They stick together all the time, it would be quicker.''

Kyora put down his whiskey. ''No we wouldn't possibly succeed facing them both together. If we were to drug them, we couldn't guarantee they would drink their beverages at the same time. If one of them collapsed first, the other would suspect the bartender right away, me, in this case, to be the culprit. I can't run from the gravity manipulator, he's too fast. Neither can I stop my ability from being nullified if the taller one ever touched me, I would be exposed therefore leading him directly to the conclusion that I was trying to put them down ,'' Kyora explained.

''I don't wanna die yet you know. So, I resorted to deal with the fighter first. His ability was too strong, him being a part of the rescue team for the brown haired could easily kill us if this place gets found out by the mafia. If we capture him first, which was what we had done, he wouldn't be able to come for us with full force even if someone came to break him out. We put him in a paralysed state, remember? In the current condition, we would still have the chance of survival even after being exposed. Even if that short angry boy was rescued, he would need time to regain his full strength. Therefore buying us time to run from the other weaker ability users who would be after us. He's literally seventy percent of the mafia's manpower, after all.''

Tsuki nodded in agreement when he patted Kyora's shoulder. ''You're smart Kyora, it's the right decision to hire you two to help me in capturing them. Here, your cash, you can leave any time you want now.'' Tsuki handed them two bags stuffed with cash, each for one of them. ''Ah finally~ pleasure working for you Tsuki-san, till we meet again.'' Kyora stood up and started walking out the room with Kigami behind him.

Tsuki was heading back to the fancy room Dazai had been held in, thinking of what to do to him next. But before he could reach the room, gunshots echoed along the silent hallways a few floors above him, where mercenary did their patrols to prevent intruders.

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