Chapter Fourteen

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"Holly?" Charlie called out to her quietly. He stepped out of the front door. Holly was holding her elbows and facing away from the house.

"I had no idea that was how he felt. I mean Jack has a habit of putting fun before responsibility sometimes, but so does everyone else. I didn't know how he felt about me." She shook her head.

"Listen, Holly, it wasn't my place to say anything about that." Charlie apologized. "Jack couldn't tell you about Frost. He's not supposed to tell anyone until he's officially taken over the position. All I planned to do today was tell you about Frost and Santa and maybe give you a little insight into my own family. I thought I could show you that you have nothing to worry about. Family finds a way to make things work."

"Yeah, well it turns out we haven't even survived running a bakery together. I don't know how we're going to survive something this big." She frowned.

"Holly, every younger sibling thinks they're living in their old brother or sister's shadow at some point." Charlie told her. "I was like that with Jessie, Lucy was like that with me and now Buddy's like that with everyone. It took me awhile but eventually I realized that if I felt that way about Jess, it wasn't because I resented her, it was because I respected her. Jess does great things here at the Pole and she's accomplished a lot in her time, and I know I couldn't do the things that she does. I had to find my own passions, my own things to drive me. I was still a kid when I figured all this out. Jack's not a kid, Holly, and he's proud of you. He just wants a chance to make his own way."

"I still think it's something Jack and I should discuss." Holly told him. "But I'm glad you told me. It does make it easier to start the conversation, you helped me see his side a little. I suppose We should get back in there. I think I owe Jess and Bernard an apology."

"Don't worry about them. They know all of this is overwhelming. So how about I take you on that tour I promised earlier?" Charlie offered.

"I think I need a rain, or in this case snow check, on that tour Charlie." She said. "I really think that Jack and I need to talk."

"Okay, one way ticket back home then." Charlie agreed.

Holly found Jack and the rest of the night crew baking up a storm when she arrived back at the bakery that night. She observed the night team, watching how synchronized their movements seemed to be. IT was a rare occasion for her to get to see them, since she'd worked mornings at the bakery as long as she could remember. Free from the chaos of managing the front of house, and not having to answer customer calls in between tasks, the night bakers had a steady rhythm as they moved about the kitchen. They seemed to be almost never stopping.

"Jack?" Holly called out to her brother, who was icing a birthday cake nearby. Jack looked up at the sound of his sister's voice. He saw her standing in the doorway watching them. Jack put down his piping bag, wiped his hands on his apron and stepped out into the customer facing area.

"So, how did your dinner with Charlie go?" He asked leadingly.

"We had dinner with Charlie's sister and his brother-in-law." Holly told him. "Talked about a lot of interesting things over diner. Like Charlie's new job..."

"Oh. Did he happen to mention..." Jack began to ask.

"He did provide some more details about that new job you'll be taking." She confirmed.

"Ah and I assume he also told you why I couldn't tell you myself?" Jack hoped.

"Yes, he explained all that but there's something else I wanted to you about, Jack." Holly said. "While we were talking Charlie mentioned that you feel like you've lived in my shadow your whole life."

"How did that just happen to come up?" Jack questioned suddenly angry. "Holly, what I said to Charlie, I didn't mean it the way you think I did. He had no right to..." He sighed, regaining composure. His tone of voice leveled out. "I'll talk with him about it. Listen it's not like I have some lifelong vendetta against your or anything. But when we were kids and we'd come here with Nan and Pop all they ever talked about was how you were a natural and you'd be a great baker someday. In school we both got decent grades, but I felt like I had to try a little harder than you. When Mom and Dad couldn't run this place anymore everyone just assumed you'd take over. No one even gave me a second thought."

"Jack, I didn't realize..." She started to apologize.

"I never expected you to." He interrupted her. "But now that you know, maybe you can understand why I'd take Charlie up on his offer. I just want a chance to do something my way. I want to get away from the bakery and have a chance at something that wasn't already done better by my sister."

"I didn't come here to start a fight." Holly asserted. "I just," she smiled. "I wanted to say congratulations. There never has been and never will be a better Jack Frost than you."

"Well, now that that's settled, there's something else I'd like to talk to you about." Jack smiled back. "What exactly is going on between you and Charlie?"

"Charlie?" Holly repeated. "I mean it's a little complicated isn't. I definitely like him. I've had a crush on him since we were kids and I thought I was over it. It's not like I haven't dated people since High School, but when he first showed up at the bakery I don't know." She shook her head. "I haven't been able to stop thinking about him. But now that I know what I know about, maybe it's for the best that it never turns into anything."

"have you talked to Charlie about how your feeling?" Jack wondered.

"No. I just told you I don't see the point..." Holly repeated.

"So you found a way to talk about my feelings but not yours?" Jack raised an eyebrow. "I'm pretty sure he's into you too."

"Really? You think so?" Holly started to disagree, but then she remembered something. "He did invite me to spend Christmas Eve at the North Pole, but that could have just been because you'll be there."

"No. you have to come!" Jack insisted.

"Well, has he said anything to you?" She questioned.

"Not exactly, but I just get the impression that he sees you as more than a friend." He answered.

"I Guess we'll find out on Christmas Eve." Holly decided. "I'll let you guys get back to work. I'll see you tomorrow."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2021 ⏰

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