Chapter Eight

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"Is there going to be a tour after this?" Jack gasped. "Promise me there's going to be a tour after this!" His eyes wandered through the colorful village of the North Pole. Charlie walked by his side, moving quickly so as to not waste the council's time.

'"Assuming everything goes according to plan, we'll have time for a tour later." Charlie nodded. They walked up the large back steps of Santa's Workshop and bumped into Bernard.

"Jack, this is my brother-in-law, Bernard." Charlie introduced. "Bernard this is..."

"Jack Green." Bernard commented, shaking his hand. "Your first Christmas was in 1992, we brought you a stuffed giraffe, but your favorite Christmas gift was when we brought you a snow cone machine in 2002 which you wanted so that you could make snow for your sister's Barbie ski lodge."

"How does he know all of that?" Jack asked Charlie.

"Bernard was Head Elf for a really long time." Charlie explained. "It used to be his job to know this sort of stuff about kids."

"Plus, I checked the archives when Jessie mentioned you were bringing him here." Bernard clarified. "I had to make sure you weren't a security risk. You understand."

"Of course." Jack nodded, not really sure that he did.

"We'd better go, we don't want to keep the Council waiting." Charlie announced.

Charlie wasn't surprised to see that the entire Council of Legendary Figures had already arrived in his absence. His father was seated at one end of the table talking with the Tooth Fairy. The Sandman was "Resting his eyes" with his head in his hands while the Easter Bunny and Cupid shared some witty banter. Father Time and Mother Nature stood stoically at the front of the room. Everyone went quiet when Jack and Charlie entered.

"This emergency meeting of the Council of Legendary Figures is officially call to order." Mother nature announced. "Jack Frost, you've called for the meeting and therefor you have the floor."

"Right." Charlie nodded. "Four months ago, the current Santa announced that this will be his last Christmas as Santa." He paused as around the room council members began to grumble.

"I really think you should reconsider, old friend." Tooth Fairy complained. "You've been the best Santa we've had in centuries."

"Now, now, we've talked about this." Scott shook his head. "Besides this meeting isn't about me, it's about Charlie so let's hear what he has to say."

"As most of you know, I've expressed interest in the position of Santa. I would like to put on the coat when my dad takes it off. In order to do that, I have to first find a replacement for my current position." Charlie gestured for Jack to step forward. "The candidate I've selected is, Jack Green."

"Thank you, Charlie." Mother Nature spoke. "We would like some time to discuss the matter with Jack in private. "Would you mind stepping outside someone will be with you momentary."

"Of course." Charlie nodded and left the room without hesitation. He found his sister and Curtis with their ears pressed against the door when he stepped into the hall. They both jumped back when they noticed him.

"So?" Jess asked impatiently.

"They want to deliberate. Talk to him on their own." He explained. "They probably want to make sure that I haven't coerced him or anything."

"Well, you know the Council better than either of us." Jess said. "You must have some idea of how you think they'll vote."

"You know how they are." Charlie shook his head in disagreement. "I couldn't make a guess even if I wanted to. But we've done all we can. All we can do is hope that they like Jack enough."

"What exactly is your plan if they approve?" Curtis asked.

"Well, I know the Santa job inside and out by this point." Charlie shrugged. "I don't really need my free year to put my affairs in order so I can use that time to help Jack be a better Jack Frost. Then I have what six, seven, years to get married?"

"If you pull this off, it's a pretty good plan." Jess squeezed her brother's shoulder encouragingly. "Even Bernard couldn't find a flaw in it. Speaking of which, it's lunch time. I'm going to go spend some time with my family. Let us know how it turns out."

"I should make sure the Naughty and Nice list is ready for Santa." Curtis announced. "Hopefully that will be you next Christmas."

"Hopefully." Charlie sighed as Curtis and Jess walked off in opposite directions.

It didn't take the Council long to deliberate on their answer. This didn't surprise Charlie, the Council prided themselves on their efficiency. He'd only been waiting in the hall for maybe thirty minutes before Jack nervously poked his head out.

"They've gone." Jack told him quietly.

"All of them?" Charlie's eyebrows furrowed together.

"Well, all except Santa. They wanted him to tell you their decision." Jack motioned for Charlie to join him inside.

"How bad is it?" Charlie asked Scott, not beating around the bush. "The Council didn't even stay to tell me themselves."

"That's because they wanted me to give you the good news." Scott smiled.

"Good news? So that means..." Charlie looked between Jack and Scott hopefully.

"You're looking at the next Jack Frost!" Jack exclaimed excitedly. "Oh, Charlie thank you so much! I promise not to let you down!"

"Don't worry Jack, after Christmas I'm going to spend the next year making you the best Jack Frost there's ever been." Charlie promised.

"Well, now that we've taken care of the important stuff. Can I have my tour now?" Jack questioned.

"Sure, we can start in the Naughty and Nice room since I've heard that the list still needs to be checked." Charlie said, looking pointedly at his father. 

Christmas With the Calvins Two: Charlie and the Toy FactoryHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin