A possible answer?

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"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait," Rainbow Dash shook her head. "You think another Barbie movie will help us figure out what's going on?"

"You sure it won't just lead to more confusion?" Applejack asked. 

"It's the only way," Pinkie Pie said, opening the DVD and taking out the disc. "The first four movies won't explain it should we go back in them. We have to keep moving forward."

The Equestria Girls all exchanged looks. It was rare for Pinkie to be serious about something. 

"Okay, then," Sunset said. "Turn on the movie."

Pinkie slid in the disc, and they all awaited to go into the movie world. 


Just through the rainbow, beyond the world we know, lies Fairytopia, the world of the fairies. 

There are seven regions of Fairytopia, all ruled by the Enchantress, but she knew she needed help governing the fairy world. She appointed seven guardians to rule over the seven regions, giving them magical crystals for them to wear as necklaces. 

However, the Enchantress knew something no one else in Fairytopia knew, or would know about for a long time. She remembered a small kingdom who used to have a geode industry before a shocking surprise closed it down, forcing their miners to turn to mining for gold. They had discovered seven crystal geodes that were unlike the rest, and when she came to collect the crystals, they gladly gave them to her. Using a bit of magic, she planted the crystals somewhere she knew the right people would find them. 

She knew about what was to come to the people who would discover these crystal geodes. 

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