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April 13th, 1980

The car lay upside down in the rain tires turning toward the sky. The woman inside was unconscious blood pouring freely from a gash above her eyebrow. Twenty minutes later she is rushed through the hospital double doors, her belly protrudes, full of baby. "My son..." She whispers to the resident guiding her gurney. "We'll get your baby out, don't worry, how far along are you?" he asks as they turn the corner, "Seven months." she manages to say, " son..." her eyes fall shut. She will never wake again.

In the following hours there is a C-section performed, the baby escapes alive. "A girl..." The resident says to himself perplexed. "Yeah?" The doctor inquires as the nurse cleans the baby and puts her in an incubator. "It's just that she kept saying 'My son, my son.' I guess I assumed she'd checked, she seemed so sure."

"Well a boy would have been better, with no mother or father, she'll go into foster care, another Jane Doe, I don't even want to think about what kind of upbringing she'll have."

"Are we sure there's no family?"

The doctor takes his bloody gloves off and throws them in the dispenser. They head out into the hallway

"One of the EMT's said he searched her bag, found about fourteen different driver's licenses all different names, from different states, like she's a fugitive or something."

As they step out into the lobby, they see a man drenched from the rain standing in the middle of the E.R looking like hell. "Where's the girl?" Nathan asks, the two men stand rock solid afraid to move. A security guard appears and slow but steady moves in, arms out in a safety stance. Nathan lifts his hand toward him and an invisible force shoves the guard across the room. Nathan walks past the doctors and into the nursery where he sees the baby with no name. 'Jane Doe' is written on a tag in the plastic casing. He lifts the plastic and removes the tubes from her veins and face. "You can't, she's weak, she needs those!" A nurse begs him. "She's not weak, not at all." He says as he wraps her in a blanket leaving the hospital unburned.


"That was an exciting day remember? You have to admit it, things were happening." The black slits blink into human eyes, he stands before Nathan who hangs shackled and chained to the wall, beaten and cut. Red streaks of blood staining his torso. "...even I didn't know all the little fateful that were going on that night, did you know I had no idea about the girl? Was my face red when I found out she was right there in her mother's belly, completely helpless, ah, but I was young, after all, it was the date of my birth, and ironically enough, hers as well."

"It's not irony, it was predestined, idiot." Nathan exhales the insult.

"...Let's not fight. We already did that and I kind of kicked your ass." He approaches Nathan and lays a hand on his head, "Do you think you have brains in there? For all we know it could be a bunch of clouds with information and every time you open your mouth the right words come out..."

"Get fu-"

"Yes those would be the right words for this situation wouldn't they? But seriously think about it, maybe you're a flesh robot, not your own being but a puppet being used by a higher power, that would be nifty. Curiosity is my weakness, speaking of which, I need to know where the Codex is. We had fun, but I'm bored now."

"There are pages all over the world, most of it not hidden, why don't you ask those who have it?"

"You know the part I want, the rest of those prophecies have almost all already come to pass, the others speak of things that do not concern us, I want the part about me, and her, and even you." He finds a packet of cigarettes in his back pocket and lights one.

"No one knows where they are, you know that."

"Yes but we can find out, that's why your scoobie gang went to see Or in the hotel, she knew a way to find the missing piece."

"She's a powerful being, ancient, she was here thousands of years before the prophecy was even written."

"Well I have a powerful being too, how come she can't do it?"

"Your witch is full of tricks and dark magic, but that doesn't make her powerful."

"Oh you'd be surprised what she can do, the things she can take from you without even touching, important things."

"Don't your little followers have books about this? Isn't this what their faith is all about?" Nathan asks, his blood covers the floor like a crimson wet carpet, he grows weaker and weaker by the minute.

"It's all omens, vague descriptions, nothing like the the Pergamum Codex. Details is the name of the game."

Just then someone comes in, a girl no more than fourteen, her long, otherwise flowing hair held tight in french-braids, she skips into the room looking rather bored. "Ah, we were just talking about you darling." Says cat eyes.

"Reaaally? What about me?" She asks somewhat interested.

"About how powerful you are and all the things you can do."

"I mostly like to undo." She looks at Nathan for a moment and smiles. Suddenly he screams in pain. "Oh, very good dear, though I don't see anything, what're you doing to him?" The man says confused.

"I'm unraveling it all, things are all tied up in there." She says. Through his skin Nathan's abdomen appears to have a thousand crawling snakes inside. His intestines move in ways they were not meant to.

"Yes let us not go too far with the torture, this is a valuable prize we have here."

She stops losing interest anyway. Nathan breaths deep, he looks up, "You know what they call you? Cat eyes, what's the deal with that anyway?" Nathan spits and prepares, the girl turns back to him and raises a hand to his throat though she doesn't need to touch it. He struggles for breath, cat eyes lowers her hand. "Don't fall for that darling he's just trying to make it easier on his little gang of rascals and have us kill him, but we need him, the Slayer has a soft spot for this one. You can tell your friends, if you ever see them again, that I have a name, and it's not cat eyes, it's Risser, and this..." He walks back to the girl who's wandering about the room looking at things, "...this is Caden, okay now darling we have to find out what he knows okay? Put your hands on his head-"


"Yeah I know he's all sweaty but we have to look inside, he's just about weak enough but you might have to fight him a little okay?"

"Okay..." She walks up to Nathan, Risser steps aside but not before reminding him, "If you want to make some noise that's fine, just remember, no one can hear hear you here."

"Open up." The girl says and lays her hands on him. She smiles. He screams.


"Did you hear that?" Crash asks. Everyone stops moving, they listen in the dark. "It was like a scream..."

"Probably just an echo, my feet keep scraping against the rock." Jane says.

"No no I heard it too, it was from outside." Olson reassures.

Another scream, this time much clearer than before. They run out of the cave, at the foot of the mound beneath them by the road a girl their age has fallen on her knees next to the car. She is dressed in jeans and a bloody white tee-shirt, she does not belong. Jane steps down to her. She shakes and twitches. "Hey, you're hurt, what happened?" Jane opens the back car door and helps her inside, she notices that the blood on the girls' nose is fresh but on her shirt it is dried and dirty, at least a few days old. "I'm Jane... these people here behind us are my friends, you're okay. What's your name?"

The girl looks reluctantly at the group outside the car, she mutters something, Jane needs to get close to hear what she's saying, and what she's saying is this: "Olson Stepeck Crash Belle Jane Jane Jane- Jane Doe, no place to go..." She looks up into Jane's eyes.

"My name's Anne."

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