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Catra came into Adora's dorm every day that next week to check up on her. Little by little Adora found herself healing, but she didn't know if she would be ready to play by the weekend when her championship volleyball game would be taking place.

And then there was the video. Not only was the volleyball game coming up, but also the end of the semester itself. Once the semester ended, all of Catra's grades would be finalized, and there would be no saving her GPA. Adora continued to fight against Catra's wishes to delete the video, and every day she contemplated the idea of posting it more and more, despite the risks she would be taking.

Adora was lucky that she had gotten Glimmer to cover for her missed practices by telling her coach that she was dealing with a family emergency – let's just say it would be smart to not mention the fact that Adora's grandma, Madame Razz, was alive and well to Coach Light Hope.

Catra on the other hand had spent many restless nights sitting next to Adora's bed with only her cigarette to comfort her from the thoughts swarming around in her head. She was lucky Adora's roommate had been out for the week, she didn't know what she'd do with herself if she couldn't smoke.

She hadn't a clue of what to make of her messy situation, and eventually she gave up on looking for a solution and started looking for nearby community colleges to enroll to. She would hate leaving everything behind; her school, her friends, Adora.

But that's who she was doing it for. Adora. Because sometimes the best thing to do to people you care about is leave them. And Catra knew that leaving Adora herself would hurt her so much less than if Adora left her – or at least, that's what she tried to convince herself into believing.

Adora walked into the dorm and Catra slammed her computer shut, giving her a suspicious looking smile that Adora noticed, but decided to ignore for the time being. Adora threw her backpack to the floor and sat down next to Catra, laying her head on the cat's shoulder.

Catra could feel her eyes burn up, because she knew this would be one of the last times that she'd feel Adora like that.

They pair didn't say anything, they just breathed together in unison. That's all they really needed, a moment of nothing-ness.

Catra sighed and got up, "I should head to class. I'll be back in the evening."

"See you."

Adora waited until the door was fully closed to open up Catra's laptop to find out what she'd been hiding.

Her eyes widened as she scanned the computer screen, reading past the pages of different schools she had been researching about. She couldn't believe it, Catra was really going to leave.

Adora wouldn't let that happen.  

She couldn't.


A golden glow covered the tiny dorm room as the sun prepared itself to set.  Beams of light came from the window panes, forming small square patterns across the room and highlighting the objects it passed.  Birds chirped quietly on their flight back to their nest, and a small breeze allowed the curtains in the room to flow every so slightly.

Adora waited for Catra to come back on her bed with the laptop open.  The door handle clicked and Catra stumbled in, tossing her backpack aside and taking a deep breath – she was clearly exhausted from her last class.

She smiled at Adora, who didn't return the expression, instead she flipped the laptop towards her.

Catra's heart might have stopped beating right then and there, or maybe it moved up to her ears as her head pounded loudly.

"Adora, I can explain–"

"I'm posting the video."

Catra ran up to her, "Adora, no!"

Adora began to walk towards her, eventually backing her into the door, "I'm not letting you leave, Catra. I don't care what that means for me."

Catra felt an overwhelming sense of rage encompassing her. She was so irritated with Adora, who had always tried to do the right thing even if it meant hurting herself. She couldn't understand why she was important enough for Adora to put so much on the line just to help her, with a plan that wasn't even one-hundred percent certain to work.

Catra vocalized these thoughts, "Why are you doing this to yourself?! Adora, you have such a bright future ahead of you, especially with that scholarship. You don't want to risk that for me!"

Adora clenched her fists in anger, "Yes I do!"


"Because I love you!"

Everything fell into slow motion once the words left Adora's mouth. She hadn't meant to say them, they simply fell out naturally, the same way that someone would sing the lyrics to their favorite song. Once you have them memorized you don't have to think about them that much. Adora hadn't even come to terms with her feelings by then, but she still recognized the song, and singing along felt right – loving Catra felt right. It always had.

"I love you, Catra." She repeated, this time more softly, in an attempt to assure herself of it.

Catra was pulled back into reality. Her brain had barely managed to process Adora's words, but once she did realization hit her like a bullet.

Adora loved her.

Catra loved Adora too.

And it explained everything.

Catra held onto the side of Adora's face and quickly pulled her in to kiss her. She loved Adora, and she loved the feeling of her soft lips locking onto hers with no struggle. They kissed as if they had kissed a million times before. They had finally gotten a taste of what they had been craving for so long.

Finally, everything was in place.

Adora pulled away for a breath of air, "So... You never told me if you loved be back orr–"

Catra laughed, "You're such an idiot."

She kissed her again, "I love you."

This time they began to kiss harder, Adora fell onto the bed and continued to kiss Catra as she got on top of her. Catra kissed her roughly on her neck, causing Adora to let out sighs of pleasure.

"I love you." She breathed out, "And I really want you right now."

Catra stroked her hair, "I'll give you whatever you want."

Adora moved her hands towards Catra's hips and pressed them against hers, her legs tugging at the Catra's waistband.

That night they both realized that this was exactly what they had been longing for throughout those past few nights.

And they would most certainly never have a nightmare again.

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