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Drunk Adora

Sigma Kappa had been transformed into a Winter Wonderland. Light blue and white streamers hung from the staircases, paper snowflakes were strung across the walls, and there were a multitude of patches of white cotton acting as snow all around the house. Glimmer had truly outdone herself and everyone praised her for it. She entered the party Cinderella-style, down the grand staircase in a sparkling white cocktail dress. Even Glimmer herself knew she was the Belle of the ball.

Adora ran up to her friend, "Glimmer this is incredible!"

She had been wearing a thin black satin mini dress (one that Glimmer argued didn't fit the theme, but Adora didn't seem to care). She had Entrapta hooked to her arm, who had traded her normal oil-stained coveralls for a light pink skater dress.

Glimmer looked around nervously, "Are you sure it's not a bit much?"

"No way! Everyone loves it... Especially Bow." Adora giggled, pointing at the boy as he ran around shouting 'My girlfriend did this! Isn't she amazing!? MY girlfriend!'

"Hey Entrapta, could you pour Adora and I a drink?" Glimmer asked.

Adora's eyes widened, "I really shouldn't–"

"Don't worry, I just needed to send her off to ask you something.. Why didn't you bring Catra?"

The last place Adora expected to feel herself burning up was at a Winter-themed party, but she couldn't stop the pink growing on her cheeks, "I, err... Why would I?"

"I just figured you two were like.. A thing."

"We are not!" Adora began to get defensive, "And she's probably not even coming anyway, she hates parties."

"Actually, she's already here. She brought some girl named Lonnie, you didn't hear?"

Adora felt her heart begin to race. She couldn't believe Catra would stoop as low to go to a formal for a Sorority she wasn't a part of without her.

Do you even hear yourself? She thought. Obviously it wasn't Catra's fault she wasn't going with Adora when Adora had never asked her in the first place. Regardless, Adora ignored her own logic and continued to hold a vendetta against her.

And now that she was in dire need of it, Adora did not refuse the drink that Entrapta brought back to her.

"So," Adora wiped her mouth after finishing up her drink, "Do you want to dance?"

Entrapta shook her head, "I've got two left feet, but you go enjoy yourself! I'm going to find Scorpia and ask her about central processing units."

Before Adora could wave to her goodbye Entrapta was out of sight. She poured herself another cup of 'fruit-punch' and headed for the dance floor.

From the middle of the crowd of partygoers, a hand reached out for Adora's shoulder. The shiver down her spine told her all she needed to know about the person who was trying to get her attention.

"Hey Adora." A cool, familiar voice said.

Adora took another sip from her drink, she'd need it.

"Hi Catra."

She turned to face the feline, desperately trying to hide the blush growing on her face when she saw her in her maroon suit. So what if she thought Catra was attractive? It was only just this once.

"So did your date get sick of you already?" She sneered, "I'm not surprised."

"Yours doesn't seem to be anywhere in sight either." Adora shot back, the two of them bickering while dancing.

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