chapter six

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When I woke up I felt his arm over my waist, I was so happy to be with him I don't even know why or how this all happened. I went to the bathroom while he was sleeping, he seemed so tired so I tried to not make noises.

I went downstairs and started making breakfast when someone knocked the door, I wished it wasn't Sarah or Jonh B, when I opened I saw a blonde girl with blue eyes I've never seen before, "Hey?" I said because she was staring at me saying nothing, "It's Rafe home?" She asked, "Yeah, but who are you?" I was so confused, "I'm his girlfriend, and you..?" My eyes winded "I'll tell him you are here" I said with a fake smile.

I went upstairs and entered his room, he was already awake so he looked at me and noticed my angry look, "You ok?" He asked, "Of course I'm ok, I just talked with your girlfriend, she's downstairs waiting for you" I said so upset and left his room without let him talk. He grabbed my arm " Y/N wait let me explain it" he yelled at me, "Explain what? That we kissed and slept together when you have a fucking girlfriend, what the fuck it's wrong with you, I thought you said you liked me" I said when I noticed tears in my eyes, "Don't ever talk to me again Rafe, I'm so fucking done with all this shit" He tried to talk but he couldn't find the words.

I left the house and went to mine, I couldn't explain the way I felt. First my aunt missing, Jonh B cheating on me with Sarah the second day we started dating, now Rafe. I started crying even more about the fact that I believed Rafe, how could I feel so betrayed if we weren't nothing tho. I spent the day in my room crying when I decided to get dressed and go to a party at the country club, to be honest I just wanted to get drunk and distract myself from everything.

I was wearing a blue crop top with a white skirt. When I arrived it was full of people but I didn't know none of them so I felt more free to do whatever I wanted to. I went to the bar to order a drink when I saw Rafe in the other side sniffing cocaine I guess, "Fuck" I sighed when I noticed he saw me. I took my drink and went far from him. I was drinking alone in a bench next to a fountain, when someone sat next to me, of course it had to be Rafe, "What do you want, I thought I was very clear when I said I don't want to see you anymore." I said without even looking at him "Y/N I'm really sorry she's not even my girlfriend we just meet to hook up, but I like you Y/N, I truly do" his voice was breaking while saying that, I was so drunk and he could notice that "I don't fucking care about your 'please forgive me Y/N' shit, you are a liar, as I said this morning don't ever talk to me again" I said standing up and leaving.

I went back to the bar and I was ordering another drink when someone behind me said "Hey" I looked back and it was JJ, "Hey" I said looking straight to his eyes, "Are you feeling good, you don't look like" he seemed really worried "Yeah I'm perfectly fine after your best friend cheated on me, you know that shit it's really cool" I yelled at him but I started crying again, he came closer to me and hugged me "Hey it's gonna be okay". When I pulled away from the hug I saw Rafe looking at me, I came closer to JJ and I kissed him, "Can we leave?" I asked him, he was shocked at my kiss, "Yeah let's go" I turned back at Rafe but he wasn't there.

"Let's go to my house, there's no one" I told him, "I don't know where is your house Y/N", "Oh, but I do, I will guide you" I winked at him. We arrived and we entered my house and sat in the couch, "Thank you for driving me home" I smiled at him, "Anything for you Y/N" he replied "I'm sorry for kissing you I don't know why I did it" "Nah I don't mind I'd do it again" He smiled at me this time "What?" I said confused. When he grabbed me by the waist and put me on top of him, we started kissing, he started taking off my top and I took off his shirt "We should go upstairs" I said, he took me in his arms and we went to my room, he began to take off his pants "Hey um, I'm not sure about this" I said feeling bad "Oh that's- that's fine" He said looking upset "I'm sorry" "Nah it's okay just don't get why you kissed me 30 minutes ago and made out with me when now you aren't sure? Damn Y/N I can't understand you" He said almost yelling at me "I'm sorry, I'm just not ready and I don't feel well" I tried to solve things " You know what I'm leaving" He said this time yelling.

I went downstairs to open the door "JJ, look I'm sorry can we talk tomorrow" I said almost crying, he looked at me and said nothing but an angry look. I looked around and I saw Sarah entering her house but she saw me and I quickly closed the door and sat in the couch, I couldn't stop crying everything was a shit, everyone yelled at me and I was alone more than ever. I heard someone knocking at the door, I opened and I saw Sarah, "Look Sarah I had enough for today, leave" I told her trying to not freak out, "I need to talk with you Y/N, I know you hate me and I know what I did was a bitch thing I don't blame you for hating me, but I need you to know that I don't want this to be end like this." She was so sad or that's how she looked like, I let her enter and we sat in the couch, " Y/N, I need to tell you something" I looked at her "Yeah?" "When I was with Jonh B he told me he dated you cause a dare JJ and him made 'With who the new girl would fall in love first' " She said looking at me to see my reaction "What? Look Sarah thank you for the helpful information you can leave now, I had the worst day of my life, I'm so tired can we talk tomorrow."

When she left I went straight to my bed and fell asleep.

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