The Interviews - Tributes' Perspective

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The whole audience stares at you, listening closely to every word. They laugh, gasp and aww at your story, even if it's lies. You can't tell what they're really thinking or if the other tributes did better.

All you know is that your story is now out there. It's just a matter of time before they watch you in the Games, remembering exactly what you said to them on this day.


Members of the public from the Capitol, now is your first chance to see the tributes in action! Please take the time to read as many entries as possible and vote for your favourite tribute in the comments. The three contestants with the most votes at the end of the round will gain an extra Life Point for the Cornucopia. If you don't know what Life Points are, check the chapter named after them where it explains all about them.

Only a few tributes have entered into this. More can still enter but if no more do, only the top tribute will gain the Life Point.

Being the first one the public can view and vote in, this round has a bonus! When you vote, you can also pick your favourite outfit. The winner of the outfit bonus gets a surprise item at the Cornucopia. Some people have entered their bonus separately, which are at the bottom, but if when you're reading the interviews you see an outfit you like, you can vote for that tribute.

If you just discovered this competition and want to enter it as a tribute or a Sponsor, let me know, there are still places left!

So remember; vote twice. Once for the interview and once again for the outfit. Citizens of the Capitol, I hope to hear your opinion from as large a crowd as possible, so spread the word!



Evelyn DeMia - District 4

I squirmed around uncomfortably as I waited for my turn to be interviewed. Mostly for two reasons

1) I was so so so nervous.

2) The dress that my stylist made is so tight and itchy.

"Evelyn DeMia!" I heard Caesar scream out.

Aw pooh..

All the other tributes looked at me with death glares.

"It's rude to stare" I said walking onto the stage with little confidence.

Than right before I reached the chair I tripped over my heels and onto the ground.

I am such a klutz.

"Aw man" I said trying to get myself up.

"Are you okay sweetie?" Caesar asked once I got up.

"Ya I'm fine" I mumbled.

I looked over to see the other tributes giggling. I just rolled my eyes and plopped down onto the soft orange seat.

"So Evelyn.. Nice to meet you!" Caesar said awkwardly.. Well obviously it was awkward I basically died on the stage.

"Nice to meet you Caesar. Sorry I just Uh mopped your floor with my dress" I said brushing off my skirt.

"Haha" Caesar said laughing with the audience.

It wasn't really that funny I don't get why their laughing. I guess it's like a sympathy laugh like a "Your-gonna-die-in-2-days" laugh.

"So anyways what do you feel about the games..Are you scared?" Caesar said.

I felt like slapping Caesar in the face and screaming 'No duh I'm scared' but no instead I said this.

"Well.. Of course I'm scared the other tributes are really good. But I'm also excited for the games proud to represent District 4" I said lying.

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