Chapter 12

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When I wake up next morning, my whole body hurts like hell. I have marks from the robes and Levi's kisses all over my body and there isn't a single part of me, that doesn't hurt. Slowly I stand up from the bed and groan tired. Fucking god, I feel like shit! Slowly I start to put on my closes and go into the kitchen, where Levi sits on the table and looks at me. I already realised a time ago I feel things for him, I'm not supposed to feel. What the hell should I do?

I look at Eren, who stands at the door and just stares at me. ,,Morning Eren.", I say and it seems like I ripped him out of his thoughts with that. ,,Ehm..morning.", he replies and walks to the chair infront of me. I have to say, he looks absolutely terrible. That's what he gets from behaving like that. ,,Can I have a break for today?", Eren asks and I shake my head. ,,It's your fault that this happend.", I reply and lean on my arms. ,,Come on, I know you liked it.", the brunette says and grins a little. Yes, I did, but I won't tell you. I sight and stand up from my chair. ,,I'm taking a shower. After that we're going for a walk, okay?", I say and give Eren a kiss on the cheek, bevore going into the bathroom. I take of my clothes and jump under the shower. I jump up, when icy water runs down my back and instantly turn it warm. Huh, at least I'm fully awake now. I stand there for a while and drift up in my thoughts. I got to close to Eren and I know that. I think I'm making him expecting something I just can't give him. I'm defintly not the right person to fall inlove with, not like anyone ever could that. I'm a terrible person and that should be obvius to everyone who knows me a little closer. After a while I'm done, dry myself up and put my clothes back on. I look into the mirror and sight. God, how much I hate this guy infront of me. I always did and that will never change. And it's not just my terrible character. I'm too short and too skinny and to pale. Ugly. I look away from the mirror and go into the livingroom, where I find Eren sitting on the sofa and watching TV. There I catch myself smiling and turn my face back into my usual expression. ,,Hey brat.", I say and the brunette turns around, looking at me. ,,Hey.", he replies and stands up from the sofa. He's already dressed and has a weard look on his face, that I can't order in. ,,Are you okay?", I ask and furrow my brows. ,,Yeah, just tired.", he answers and goes through his hair. ,,Okay, then put your shoes on, we're going."


Eren and I walk next to eachother not saying anything. ,,So...How did you get into this whole thing?", Eren asks after a while and I know exactly what he means. Should I tell him? No, I can't. I don't even like thinking about it, so I guess talking about it would be hell. ,,You should really stop asking so many questions.", I just say without even looking at the brunette. ,,Don't wanna talk about it?" ,,Leave it." Eren sights and then there's this stupid silence again. God, I hate when this happens. I catch my hand searching for his, like I have no real control over it. Why? Why am I always doing this? I've never been like that with anyone bevore. I'm getting too soft with him. But holding his hand just feels so right and I don't want this to fade away. I look at the landscape infront of me and sight. ,,When I was fiveteen, I was forced into the submissive-role. It was like that for four years and with the time I started to like this feeling.", I say, not sure I'm telling him this. ,,What feeling?" ,,To be free. Giving every control to another person and having to think about nothing. And then things came like it and now I'm a dominant." A long time we just stand there and stare at the lake infront of us, until Eren stands infront of me and looks me straight in the eyes. He lays his hand on my cheek and I turn my face away. ,,Let me touch you.", he says and does it again. I sight and just let him do. There he presses his lips against mine and I lean in. I slide my thoung into his mouth and Eren lets out a little moan. I want him. Now. ,,Let's go back.", I say and pull on his sleeve. We go back to my car and we spend the drive without saying anything. When we finally arrive at my house I littelary run up the stares with Eren on my hand. ,,Wait, I'm not that fast!", he says and I force myself to slow my steps down a little. I open the door when I see a certan, glasseswearing brunette standing in the middle of the middle of the livingroom and smiling at me stupidly. What the fuck are they doing here? ,,Hey, Levi! Hey, Eren!", they say and run towards me. ,,What are you doing here, foureyes?", I ask and role my eyes. ,,Saturday dinner at my house.", Hanji just answers and I sight. ,,I'm buissy right now, I don't have the time for this kind of stuff." ,,Come on, Farlan, Isabell and Erwin are coming too! Oh, and you could bring Eren with you!" I sight. ,,Fine. We'll come. And now go, I'm bussy. Bye, Hanji!", I say and push Hanji out of the door. ,,Aha, bussy.", Eren says and grins. ,,Shut up.", I reply and pull him to the door of my playroom. I pull the little, golden key out of my pocket and unlock the door. ,,So, what are you planning to do now?", Eren asks sarcasticly and grins. ,,What did I say about asking questions?" ,,Sorry." Finally I manage to open the door and pull Eren inside. ,,Strib.", I order and the brunette does as I say. After like a minute he stands fully naked infront of me and I can see all the marks I left on him. ,,On your knees.", I say and Eren sits on the floor. God, I love to see him like that. I grab the collar, that's still liying, where I left it and put it around his neck. Fuck, I have the eargh to-Would this scare him away? ,,Eren, I'm gonna try something on you what I never tried bevore. I don't want you to be scared, okay?", I say and go through Eren's hair. ,,O-Okay.", he replies quitely, looking on the floor. I nood and go to a little cabinet, where I pull out a dagger (knife kink alert!!!!). Yeah, I have a knifekink. I don't know why but this stuff turns me on, but I never did it on anyone ever bevore. I think, it would scare the most people, that's why. I go to Eren again, who looks at me full of shock. ,,Eren, are you scared?", I ask while lifting his chin up. ,,A little.", he answers quitely. ,,You don't have to. This looks much worst than it really is.", I reply and stroke with my thumb over his lips. He noods and I pull him on his feet. I push him over on the bed and hold the dagger to his throat. ,,Holy fucking shit.", Eren whispers and I grin. ,,Stay like that.", I say and start to undress, the string of the colllar and the dagger still in my hand. After I'm fully naked I lay between Eren's legs and lower my entire weight on his body, what makes him whimper slightly. I slowly start to slight the cold blade over his skin and he bites his teeth together. ,,Don't worry, I'm not gonna cut you. I'm good with knifes, you know.", I say and caress Eren's cheek. Something's missing and I think I know what. Fuck, but I don't wanna stand up! I end up doing it anyways and get some robes and gaffa tape. ,,H-Hey, I didn't do anything!", Eren says with a shaky voice and I grin. ,,That doesn't mean I'm not gonna tie you up.", I reply and walk towards him. I tie his hands behind his back and stick the tape over his mouth. I also tie him on other parts of his body. Some robes are honestly just for the aestetic, but in the end Eren won't move anyway, so why not? After I'm satisfyed with my doing I look at my work and leave a proud smile. I lean down to Eren and lay my hand on his cheek. ,,I like you like that, Eren.", I say and stroke with my thumb over it. He just looks at me in fear. I sight. Why is he scared? ,,Hey, don't be afraid. Did I ever do something to you you didn't like except for this one little thing yesterday?" In this second I realise it's annoying if he can't answer me and rip the tape from his mouth. ,,Ouch!", he hisses and bites his teeth together. ,,I asked you something.", I reply, not changing my expression. ,,No, Sir. Never.", he answers my question and I grin slightly. ,,See, no need to be worried.", I say and sit behind him. ,,Wait, I-Ahhh!" Bevore Eren can finish his sentence, I ram inside him and he cries out. ,,Not so out of sudden!", he says, but I just ignore him and keep going. Eren moans, but I can hear he's holding back. ,,Louder, Eren. These walls aren't soundproof for nothing.", I say hard breathing and go a little harder. Now I'm pretty sure he isn't holding back anymore grin. ,,You feel so fucking good inside, you know that, Eren?" ,,Y-You feel good too, Daddy." ,,Good boy. And now scream my name." ,,Levi!...Levi!, Oh fuck!...Levi!...Levi!...Levi!" Fuck, I love hearing my name from his mouth. I cannot get enough of it. ,,I'm never getting enough of you.", I groan and grin. ,,I-I'm coming!" ,,Fine, then come.", I say and hold the dagger to his throat  again. Eren comes under loud moans and I come right afterwards inside him. I do a few more thrusts bevore pulling out and zipping my pants again. I untie Eren and he sits up, still hard breathing.,,Good boy.", I say and reach him his clothes. I spend the next few minutes watching Eren putting on his clothes, bevore leading him out of the room. 

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