Chapter 7

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Just decited to make you guys sad with this song. If you know you know. And the next chapters are gonna be pure smut, so satisfiy your dirty minds!

After Hanji's gone Levi and I just stand there and stare at eachother. Suddenly the other male crashes his lips against mine and pushes me against the wall. ,,You know, I miss that tie.", I whisper with I grin and Levi starts to smirk. ,,Then you'll get what you want.", he says, wraps my legs around his waist and carries me into his bedroom. To be honest, slowly I'm getting into this stuff. He pushes the door open, throws me on the bed and claws on top of me. ,,Let's make this a little more fun.", he grins and ties my both of hands up, so I can't move them and kisses me lustfull. Slowly he pulls my shirt up and lays it over my eyes, so I can't see anything. I don't like this feeling. ,,I like you like that.", Levi says and slides his hands over my torso. Suddenly everything's silent. I just hear the door closing. Why the fuck did he leave me alone? I don't know how long I'm liying here, waiting for Levi to come back. It sucks not being able to see anything and not knowing what's happening around me. After a while I hear the door finally opening again and Levi's steps coming closer to me. I hear a weard, liquid sound and then feeling Levi's lips crashing against mine. There a weard liquid floats in my mouth and I can taste the bitter taste of champagnier on my toung. It drips down my cheeks and Levi sights. ,,Swallow it.", he says and I do as I'm told, even though the taste makes me choke. ,,Good boy.", Levi replies and I hear the liquid sound again. I swear if he does it again, I'm gonna throw out. But instead I feel a sudden, cold feeling on my belly, wich makes me shiver. It feels icecube? ,,Let's get down there, shouldn't we?", Levi asks with his sexy motherfucker voice and I feel him pulling my pants down and my dick hitting the air. Suddenly the raiven turns me around, so my shirt goes of my eyes and I take a deep breath. There Levi slaps my ass and I feel him raming inside me, what makes me cry out in pain. I feels tears coming in my eyes and streaming down my face. Shit. ,,Hey, Eren. Are you crying? Does it hurt?", Levi asks and I'm not sure if it would make sense to say yes, so I just say nothing and try to hold in my voice, when he starts to move. ,,Come on, I know you're holding back! Let it out!", Levi says loud and I bite my teeth together. What the fuck am I supposed to do in this situation? After a while I just can't hold back anymore and let out loud moans of pain and pleasure. ,,Does this feel good? You're moaning like a little slut.", the other male grins and slaps my ass again. God, this shit feels good and terrible at the same time. ,,I want you to answer when I ask you something." ,,I-It feels good.", I answer burry my face in the pillow under me. ,,Good. And now tell me who your daddy is.", Levi says and slaps my ass again. ,,It's Levi." ,,Are you sure?" ,,I'm sure." ,,Really?" ,,Yeah, I'm sure. Argh!" Right in this moment my orgasmn crashes over me I come all over the sheets. Levi comes right after me and I feel his hit liquid spilling over my insides. After we're both done he unties me and lays down next to me. ,,That was nothing.", he says and grins. I know exactly what he means with that and it scares the fuck out of me. Fuck, what have I gotten myself into?

I can see in his face that he's terrifyed. It was stupid from Eren to sign in without taking time to think about it, but he did and now has to deal with it. But there's something about him that fascinates me. I don't know what it is. Maybe the fact that I never had a guy bevore, wait, no. This wouldn't bother me that much. I sight. I can think about that later. ,,Put on your clothes, I'm taking you out.", I say and get out of my bed. ,,What? Were?", Eren asks confused and gets out too and now I can see him in all his naked glory, but try to not mind it any further and put on my shirt. ,,I don't know. Any ideas?", I replie and watch the brunette putting on his clothes. ,,Actually...I know something fun.", he answers and seems not to be sure, if he should continiou or not. ,,And?" ,,My father owns a glideplain port. He said I can come and use it whenever and with whoever I want." ,,Didn't you say your father is a doctor?" ,,Yeah, but the airpot and the glideplains been in our family for years, so he has it now." I bite my teeth together. I hate flying with plains. I don't like flying in any kind. The helikopter is already difficult for me, but plains are awfull. ,,You don't like fliying in plains, don't you?", Eren asks while putting his shirt back on. I sight. ,,Okay, let's go there.", I say after a while of inner conflicts and the other male smiles.


After a while of driving we arrive at Eren's father's glideplain airport and Eren takes my hand. We walk through a few doors until we come to a giant fliyingplace. There stands a brownhaired man with a round glasses and when he sees Eren, he comes towards us and smiles. ,,Hello, son! What brings you here?", he asks and then he sees me. ,,And who's that?" ,,Ehm..", Eren starts and I can sense he's not sure what to say about me. Of course. ,,I'm Levi Ackerman, Eren's boyfriend. Nice to meet you, Mr Yeager.", I say and can see that Eren's blushing. ,,Nice to meet you.", Eren's father replies and shakes my hand. ,,Eren: First: Why didn't you tell me you're into males? Second: Were the hell did you find a guy like that?" Now Eren blushes even more. ,,Long story. And I just didn't have the chance to tell you and mom. Anyways, could you bring us in the air?", Eren answers and tries to catch himself again. ,,Sure! Come with me you two.", Mr Yeager answers and waves us to follow him. A few minutes later I find myself on the frontseat of a glideplain with Eren behind me. ,,Why did I agree to this again?", I ask and look through the little plain. ,,Don't worry, it's fun. I already did this like hundred times.", Eren replies and smiles. ,,If I die, it's your fault." I hear him giggle and can't help but smiling. ,,Ready, Dad!", Eren says in his headset and Eren's father in the plain infront of us starts it and pulls us with it. I grab the belts around me and close my eyes. ,,Open your eyes or you're gonna throw out.", Eren suddenly says and I open them again. Usually I wouldn't listen to him, but in this aria he knows defintly more than me. The plain slowly lifts up in the air and I hold my breath. I never thought I'd ever say that, but this shit is really fun. And Mr Yeager didn't even let go yet. ,,I'm letting go now.", his voice in my headset suddenly says and at the same time the string falls of and leaves us alone in the air. I tighten my grib on my belts, as the glideplain sinks a few meters. I get a weard feeling in my belly, as I feel, like I weight nothing. My hair flies out of my face and I bring out a laugh of euphoria. ,,Is it fun?", Eren asks. ,,Yeah.", I answer as the plain slowly starts to fly straight.

After the landing

,,And? Was it that terrible?", Eren asks with a bride grin. ,,Not at all.", I answer, still feeling kinda shaky. ,,See you then! And Eren: Please visit us again and bring Mikasa with you!", Mr Yeager says and Eren smiles. ,,I will soon, but I'm not sure if Mikasa will make it. She's quite bussy with her study at the moment.", he replies. ,,Yeah, that's Mikasa. Always wanting to do everything perfect. Anyways, bye you two!" ,,Yeah, bye." ,,Bye."

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