Chapter 4

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(As the oc's, Walter and the Muppet oc's slept, suddenly where the oc's planted the beans, a beanstalk started growing and took the oc's and their friends with them. Generous eventually woke up and screamed, waking up her friends and they all hold onto the beanstalk, so they won't fall, until the beanstalk reached the sky)

Generous: Guys! Up here!

(They all went to where Generous is and saw an enchanting place)

Generous: I know this place, It's Storybook Town.

Walter: Except it's for real.

Catherine: Let's go check it out!

(They all went to the entrance when a humanoid egg was to fall)

Humpty Dumpty: Help! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

(The oc's and their friends freak out and go to the spot to help Humpty)

Thunder: Hang in there, we're coming!!!!

Humpty Dumpty: (Starts laughing as the oc's stopped confused) Gotcha, suckers! (Continues laughing)

Lizzie: Jerk. Must be a bad egg.

Thunder: He tricked us.

Generous: (Drags Thunder)

Thunder: (To Humpty Dumpty) Just so you know, when you really fall, we won't be there to help you!!!!

(Then three birds appeared)

Birds: Welcome, welcome, welcome. Welcome to Fairyland, where dreams come true.

(Then Moby Dick the whale appears having Ishmael tied up to his back)

Ishmael: Ahoy, mateys. Welcome to Fairyland. (Laughs)

Delilah: Wow, he's much bigger in person.

(The oc's, Walter and the Muppet oc's soon started exploring Fairyland)

Rose: Hey, that's the old lady that lived in a shoe.

Clara: Hey, Peter.

Peter: Howdy, stranger.

Clara: Give my regards to the missus.

(The oc's and their friends bump into Bo Peep and her sheep)

Thunder: Excuse us, Miss Peep. I mean, Miss Bo. I mean, Miss Bo Peep.

Bo Peep: (Giggles as she waves goodbye to the oc's and their friends as they leave)

(The oc's and their friends then saw a big spider near a little girl and screamed in fear but sighed in relief when they see that the spider and the girl were eating porridge together. Then red ridding hood appears trying to get away from the big bad wolf, but she was saved by the three little pigs. Then a humanoid lion dressed up as a king appears)

Squires: Presenting the ruler of Fairyland... Old King Cole.

Old King Cole: I'm a merry old soul. And a merry old soul is me. Greetings, Mother Hubbard. And hello, Miss Peep. You are looking lovely today.

(Then a grey squirrel riding a bike with an oven in it appears)

???????: Pies! Fresh Pies! Get them piping hot!

Coco Racoon: Oh, I know the story! Simple Simon met a pie man going to the fair. Said Simple Simon to the pie man...

Simple Simon: Let me taste your ware.

Pie man/Squirrel: Ha, ha. And what kind of ware would that be, chum? Hardware? Ow! Werewolf? Grr. Hey, I got it. Underwear.

Simple Simon: Now, look, I only wanted one little wedge of pie.

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