Chapter 1

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(Somewhere in Muppetville, in a marketplace Bong was moving around until she saw some old antiques and went up to a pendulum clock and rest. At that time Thunder and Silver arrived)

Silver: She went to the clock....

Thunder: Ugh, again?! That's the fifth time!!!! Can you remind me of that story with the mouse and the clock?

Silver: Well, the mouse run up the clock, then the clock struck one and the mouse ran down.

Thunder: Oh yeah, go there and make this clock strike one.

Silver: But Thunder-

Thunder: Now!!!!

Silver: Okay. (Goes up to the clock and changes its hands and make it strike one o'clock)

Bong: (Freaks out from the sound of the clock) OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!! (Runs down and gets out of the clock but gets tangled in a plastic bag)

Thunder: Woah, hold it right here! (Approaches her to free her but she kept running dragging him with her as Silver followed them)

Bong: (Keeps running in all panic)

Thunder: (Gets hit by a lamp pole) D'oh, that really hurt. (Gets hit by some trashcans and screams in pain)

(Then at some point, Thunder accidentally let go of Bong and hit himself on a bell. The bell rang so loudly that Thunder shook until fell inside a well)

Silver: Ding dong bell, race car's on the well.

Bong: (Frees herself from the bag) Indeed.

Thunder: (Somehow manages to get out from the well and gets all wet)

Silver & Bong: (Giggle)

Thunder: Oh, you think it's funny doesn't it? I'LL TEACH YOU SOME MANNERS!!!!!

(Thunder starts chasing his two female object friends until they went inside the Muppet Theatre)

Thunder: WHEN I'LL GET YOU IN MY WHEELS, I'M GONNA- (He accidentally trips on some roller skates and starts moving fast not able to control his directions. Silver and Bong saw him pass between them and Silver grabbed his fenders and Bong grabbed her cord as he kept moving uncontrollably destroying anything in his path as he and the female objects screamed helplessly)

(Then Generous and Scooter arrived)

Generous: (Gasp)

Scooter: Oh no, not again!

(They both went to stop them and Generous used her magic to freeze the objects. Then Scooter helped Thunder getting off the roller skates off his wheels)

Generous: (Gives a serious look) Come here you guys. What happened?

Thunder, Silver & Bong: (Point to each other) HE/SHE STARTED IT!!!!!!!

Scooter: Thought so. My friends and I try to save the Muppet Theatre again. We don't need you guys wrecking what's left.

Generous: Now, look, we're pals, right, Silver?

Silver: Yeah.

Generous: Right Bong?

Bong: (Nods)

Generous: And, Thunder, you and I are friends to the end, right?

Thunder: Yeah!

Generous: So maybe you could try to get along with each other? Just for me?

Thunder: (Sigh) Fine. Girls, I'm sorry for what happened back there.

Bong: It's ok Thunder.

Silver: We forgive you.

Generous: That's better.

Scooter: All right, let's get the mess cleaned up before Kermit freaks out.

(The objects went to clean up the mess they made)

Miss Piggy: (Arrives with the rest of the oc's) What's going on here?

Generous: Nothing, the objects just got into a rough argument.

Rose: You okay, Darling? We don't want anything happening to our star attraction.

Miss Piggy: You mean the one and only star attraction.

Generous: Okay, only attraction. Maybe we'll have lots of audience today.

Miss Piggy: I don't think that's possible.

Generous: Okay, one audience.

Pops: (Appears) Speaking of audience I just saw a limousine parking outside the Theatre.

Generous: Hey, we got one. Guys, everybody, it's showtime.

Fozzie: Showtime?

Walter: Let's go!!!!

Thunder: (To Silver and Bong) C'mon girls, it's time to light the lights!

Generous: (Goes to Kermit's dressing room and knocks on the door) Kermit! Kermit! We have an audience.

Kermit the frog: Audience? How exciting! I'm coming right now! (Comes out of his dressing room)

Generous: Yeah, Pops saw a limousine parking outside the Theatre! I'll go welcome the audience!!!! (Leaves)

Kermit the frog: (Gasps) Good grief.... That's not an audience.....

To be continued

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