A huge chunk of people get trapped in a anime, horror, fantasy crafting world

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Imagine one minute you're going on about your day then you get transported to another world that has no signs of life with people from your world that don't know you, then a voice of unknown origin tells you to survive. Think of it like hunger games, but people need to live in a world built around Minecraft logic and mods. The main character(s) go on this adventure through this world of kill or be killed with a lot of emotional attachments and anime clichés. Plus different people live in different dimensions to try to survive.

Mods from Minecraft (I personally would like to see in the story)

Demon Slayer mod

Origins Mod (plus the custom ones that fans came up with) or The place you came from mod

The Backrooms mod

RWBY mod

Vic's Modern Warfare Mod (This mod has the Deathclaw)

My Hero Academia mod

Scape and Run:Parasites mod

Ice and Fire mod

Legends Mod

Final fantasy XII and Final fantasy 7 mod

Jujitsu Kaisen mod

Mutant creatures mod

Mowzie's mobs mod

Fate mod

Surgery mod

That Time I got reincarnated as a slime mod

Team Fortress 2 mod

MCDoom mod

Twilight Forest mod

Lycanite's mobs mod

Dead Seas mod

Horror Movie Monsters mod

Kamen Rider craft mod

Halo mod

Minecraft comes alive mod

Mine colony mod

Ancient warfare 2 mod

Herobrine mod

Star Wars mod

Overwatch mod

Skyrimcraft mod

Better nether mod

Better end mod

Rotten Piglins mod

Netheric food mod

Fish's Undead Rising mod

Biomes O Plenty mod

Mutant More mod

FeyWild mod

Zonko's monsters mod

Wyrmroost mod

Illager+ mod

Stalwart Dungeons mod

The Outer end mod

Dot hack weapons mod

Nocube's sea dwellers mod

Aquamirae mod

Lord of the Rings mod

Requiem mod


Rule 1:Minecraft mods that make the game harder (not RL craft or crazycarft) need to be used.

Rule 2:No Naruto or Dragon Ball mods

Rule 3:Make it feel like a real series. I would like it to feel like a series that popped up on Youtube and needs funding to be continued not just a SMP.

Rule 4:Use at least five mods named

Rule 5:MUST BE SCARY!!!!! (I want your readers (or myself) to be pissing themselves by the third or fourth chapter)

Rule 6:Must feel like it was a real anime not just some fucking VR Chat room. It can be funny but it doesn't need to be some fucking shit post.

Rule 7:The characters have to feel like emotionally abused teenagers by the 12th chapter.

Rule 8:All villagers from any mob have to have personalities. You know how villagers are... You can't understand them, they're useless, and they just feel like you're talking to a wall. This goes for Illagers as well. They're human too, so make them as such.

Rule 9:Trusts will be tested. (There will be those who will betray anyone to get anything or manipulate someone to kill everyone.)

That's it have fun.

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