Harry Potter, the Angsty Teen

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Beginning Notes

All characters are owned by J. K. Rowling and Rick Riordan.


Harry was counting down the days until September first. Usually he was just happy to leave the Dursleys, but he was going stir-crazy. They weren't allowed to leave the house, and there were only so many times you could play exploding snap and wizard chess before you got bored.

The one source of interest was Nico. He seemed to spend more time out of the house than in it. Whenever he was home, he spent his time holed up in the bathroom. Harry didn't like him. There was something off about him. He rarely smiled, and when he did, it was a weird, creepy smile. He didn't seem to like Harry, but that was okay, because Harry didn't like him either.

He tried talking to Hermione about his suspicions, but she just scoffed. "Harry, he's part of the Order. All the Order members come and go."

"But how'd he even get in the Order? He's younger than us, and I bet he hasn't been through half as much as we have."

Hermione sighed exasperatedly. "I'm as curious as you are, Harry, but Dumbledore trusts him, and I trust Dumbledore."

"'Cause Dumbledore's decisions have been just peachy this summer." Harry couldn't keep the bitterness from his voice.

Hermione's expression softened. "I know you're upset about that, Harry. Dumbledore was doing what he thought was best. And we don't know what would have happened if you hadn't been at the Dursleys'. He must have had a good reason."

"His good reason can go to hell for all I care. I was the one who faced Voldemort. I was the one who defeated the basilisk and won the Triwizard tournament. I was the one who faced the dementors. I can bloody well take care of myself! But what does he care?! He locks me up with the muggles all summer long, won't tell me anything. He won't even bloody talk to me! And now he's letting this - this kid come along and join the Order! Not me! Not the person who bloody faced Voldemort! And I'm just supposed to trust him?! Maybe I'll trust him when he shows me some evidence he's as smart as he thinks he is."

"I know you're mad at Dumbledore," Hermione said, "But you shouldn't take it out on Nico."

"It's not just me! Ron thinks he's creepy too."

"Just because he wears black doesn't mean he's evil."

Harry gave up trying to convince her. If she was set in her opinions, then there was nothing he could do. Hermione was freakishly smart, but she had a habit of ignoring the obvious.

When Mrs. Weasley asked if they wanted to go to Diagon Alley, everyone jumped at the chance to get out of the house. No one even complained about using floo powder. Harry had to laugh at the look on Nico's face when he staggered out of the fireplace.

"First time?" Hermione asked kindly.

Nico nodded. "Not my favorite way to travel."

Ginny laughed. "At least it's better than portkeys."

Nico looked positively green.

"You're going to love the carts at Gringotts," she teased.

Nico smirked. "Those aren't too bad. They're just fast, dark, rollercoasters."

They entered the bank. "Vaults 1419, 687, and --" Mr. Weasley looked at Nico questioningly.

"13," Nico said.

The goblin nodded. "Follow me." 

They all clambered into a pair of goblin-carts, and off they went. True to his word, Nico seemed to be enjoying himself. It was hard to tell in the dark, but he seemed to be grinning?

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