Epilogue: To Protect the Freedom one has

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Epilogue: To Protect the Freedom one has



Such a simple word yet difficult to obtain for some people.

For an average person, freedom was just living the life they had. They would never experience the great amounts of suffering a White Room student would. Their average life would make them feel a few bad experiences, but the freedom they felt from having a normal average life allowed them to stay happy and keep moving.

For a White Room student, freedom was non-existent. All they had was the curriculum that ridiculed their sense of life. They suffered torture, extremely difficult and inhumane activities, and were made to be test subjects in a project to create an artificial genius. They would continue that experience from birth until death.

Freedom was never an option for a White Room student. They either lived long to continue their curriculum, or died in the process of trying to complete it.

Most of them had wondered what freedom was like and whether they would be able to obtain it after finishing their curriculum. However, they would never achieve it. The closest they felt to freedom was death whether from suicide or intentionally losing terribly in the curriculum. And even then, they knew that wasn't true freedom.

The freedom they so wanted was out of reach... at least it should have been.

Ayanokouji Kiyotaka.

He was the White Room's masterpiece, the centre of its methods and teachings, the successful product. He was the least likely person to be given the chance of freedom, and yet, he was the first from the White Room to truly obtain it.

Of course, it didn't come without its downsides.

In order to obtain it, Kiyotaka enrolled to the Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing High School - a school completely different from normal schools. At first, the students didn't know that the school had what was known as the S-system. The students would be assigned to specific classes based on an evaluation of many considerations.

Kiyotaka was assigned to the lowest class, Class D, despite his amazing capabilities. The reason for this was so he could actually live a normal high school life without having to play to the school's S-system.

At least that's what should have happened according to Chairman Sakayanagi.

Unfortunately, due to some unforeseen circumstances, Kiyotaka had his freedom threatened quite a few times. The first one started with his classmate, Horikita Suzune, trying to make him her pawn and work for her to raise class D's ranking to class A. The second was when Chabashira Sae blackmailed him into using his exceptional abilities to raise the class rankings. The third was when his father managed to enter the school using his position and tried to force him to drop out. And now the more recent ones had to do with Acting Director Tsukishro and the 5th generation White Room students enrolled by him trying to expel Kiyotaka from school and force his return to the White Room.

Despite all these problems, Kiyotaka had broken free of most of them and allowed himself to continue getting the normal high school life he yearned for. The expenses were that he had to partly get rid of his freedom in order to protect it for a certain amount of time, and the other was to show off some of his abilities.

But Kiyotaka didn't do this in the open, rather he did them behind the shadows. This included:

The first exam where he got a hold of past papers to help class D, despite giving Kushida Kikyou the credit. Furthermore, using points with Horikita Suzune to pay for Sudou Ken's English test so he could avoid expulsion

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