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Lucifer tapped his fingers impatiently on the steering wheel, waiting for his passenger. He scanned through the waves of children exiting the main building.

No sign of the Spawn.

He took a quick look at the school playground. No sign of her there either.

"Where are you, child?" he muttered to himself, frowning.

Lucifer pulled up his sleeve and glanced at his wrist watch, just to make sure. It read 1.00p.m. Classes had ended almost an hour ago, if he recalled the Detective's words. Yet Beatrice was nowhere to be found. He dreaded the need to step into the school compound to hunt down the little urchin. He disliked children and he most certainly did not want to find a reason to be near any of them. Lucifer's eyebrow furrowed at the sight of thick overcast leaden skies and a muffled rumbling of thunder rumbled afar. The last thing he wanted was to get caught in the rain and ruin his Armani suit.

Lucifer let out a regretful sigh at the thought of his foolish offer. He had accepted Chloe's request to pick her daughter up after she had become bogged down with unfinished paperwork from their latest case. The Devil was never an office sort, so he volunteered himself to fetch Beatrice as a means to escape the workload (not that he was going to tell Chloe that). Excuses aside, Lucifer did promise the little spawn he would take her out for a drive in his Corvette. It was a favour in return for valuable information about her mother. Chloe's immunity towards his charms drove Lucifer mad, and puzzled enough to conduct a personal investigation on his partner. His pride refused to let him accept the fact that Chloe was unaffected by him. There was an unsettled feeling deep inside him (jealousy perhaps?) that Amenadiel was able to catch the Detective's attention without even trying to be charming. He would not, however, let his brother know that he was incapable of doing the same himself, nor that it irritated him.

A high pitched voice brought Lucifer sharply out of his musings.


He cringed as the child flung herself into the car, and wrapped her tiny arms around his chest.

"Hello Spawn. Where have you been? Your mum told me that you finished school at noon."

"Well," Trixie shuffled nervously on the spot as Lucifer stared down at her, "I'm only meant to tell mommy, but II got held back in my last class."

Lucifer arched his eyebrow, puzzled when she gestured at him to lean down so she could whisper in his ear.

"I didn't complete my maths homework yesterday, so Mrs Jones made me finish it before leaving today."

"You've been punished for not completing your homework? You humans have some weird rules."

"Please don't tell mommy. She would be mad."

"I suppose I could keep it a secret if you tell me more about your mother."

"Deal! You're the best, Lucifer!"

Lucifer crooked a smile when Beatrice hugged him, her arms flying around his neck with her excitement. He cringed but placed his hand to her back and gave her a gentle pat.

It felt odd, this warm and fuzzy feeling.

It was foreign yet pleasant.

"Alright, let's go before-"

As soon as he had started to speak, the heavens opened and it began pouring rain.

Lucifer cursed to himself.

It was definitely a mistake driving the Corvette.

He grudgingly peeled off his jacket and draped it over the little girl's head.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2021 ⏰

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