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AU for "The Weaponizer" after lucifer kills Uriel, maze calls the one person who can calm him...


Chloe was digging a hole in the floor with her pacing.

She was worrying her phone in her hands, her jacket already on, her long ponytail swinging left and right with every new step she took. She kept pushing the button to bring the screen to life, counting the minutes since Maze's call.

She was up to thirteen when she finally heard the knock. She opened the door before Dan was even done, leaving him to stand there with his hand in the air. She grabbed her car keys from the bowl and automatically checked that her weapon was in its holster on her hip.

"What's the emergency?" Dan frowned. "You said..." "Trixie's asleep." she told him quickly. "Thank you for doing this." "She's my daughter, of course I..." he started only to stop when it became clear she wasn't listening. He grabbed her arm as she sneaked past him. "Chloe, what's going on?" "Lucifer's in trouble." she said before she could think twice about it. Dan's face fell and then turned into a small sneer. "What? Did he bump his toe or something?" "Stop it." she hissed, shrugging his hand off. "Maze sounded... I need to go."

Maze had sounded afraid. And for anything to frighten Maze... "You were in a car accident two days ago." Dan argued. "You almost got shot today. You can't just..." "He's my partner." she snapped. "Yeah, well, so was I not long ago." he retorted, raising his voice. They glared at each other for a moment. He was the first to drop his gaze, looking guilty. "Sorry. If you need backup..." "Thanks." she offered awkwardly. She left before he could waste any more precious time. She followed the instructions Maze had given her, forcing her car through late night traffic, using the siren when she needed to. Once she was outside the popular part of town and into the poorer districts, it was easier to maneuver. She killed the siren though. The police wasn't exactly welcomed with open arms around here. She knew she was at the right place because she spotted Lucifer's sport car parked haphazardly, almost in the middle of the street, with no concern at all for laws or potential thieves. She briefly wondered if he had deals in place to make sure his car never got stolen.

She parked behind him and hopped out of the car, looking up at the half destroyed building in front of her.

An old church.

A shiver ran down her spine, like always when she was about to enter a dangerous situation. It was a sixth sense. One that had served her well over the years. She kept her hand on her gun as she cracked the big door open. "Finally!" Maze exclaimed. "What took you so long, Decker?!" Chloe let go of the gun and stepped inside, closing the door behind her by reflex. It was dark inside but the night lights spilling from the windows were enough to see a little. Maze was standing at the other end of the room, in front of what used to be an altar, and Lucifer... Lucifer was sitting on one of the few unbroken pew, curled up, his arms around his legs, his face buried in his knees. He briefly looked up when she came closer and his face... It was almost like it rippled into something else, something... A trick of the light, surely. He pressed it back against his knees before she could even blink.

"What's going on?" she frowned, hurrying closer to her friends. "Lucifer, are you..."

The moment she came within reach, the moment she outstretched an arm to place a hand on his shoulder... She caught sight of what she had missed. Her hand switched course quickly and ended up back on her gun, as she looked from Maze to the very dead, very murdered corpse lying next to the broken piano. She didn't need to check to know the man was dead. The crafted dagger's handle popping out of his stomach was a clue, the fact that his chest was absolutely still was another. The shiver was back and now she knew why. It smelt like death. "What have you done?" she hissed. Maze rolled her eyes like she was being an inconvenience. Her friend left the shadows to step into the pale pool of light spilling from a window and Chloe noticed everything because that was what she was trained to do. The way Maze favored her left side, the finger that seemed to be broken, the slight limp... She did a double take on the dead guy... The man looked smaller than average and... normal. It would take much more than that to hurt Maze. So, naturally, her attention turned to Lucifer. He was shaking, she realized, breathing hard through his teeth as if he was cold. In shock. And his hands... She couldn't be sure because he was in a dark part of the church but his hands seemed to be covered in blood.

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