In Your Eyes

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Gulf went to the store to buy snacks for Mew.  Things had been pretty well between them everything considered. Mew was recovering quite well atleast physically. His physical therapy and counselling were showing positive results. He could walk with support now. He would be discharged next week. Gulf knew once Mew left hospital he would have no reason to visit him. He won't be able to be by his side like this. This fragile peace they had built up would crumble. Only reason Mew was being civil towards him was because of his circumstances. Gulf  would miss that.

Gulf walked back to the hospital and entered Mew's room. Mew was hunched over his phone and mumbling something. He looked frantic and upset over something.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Gulf asked worriedly.

"I won't forgive him. Not after this." Mew said in anger. He wasn't going to let Lhong gey away with this. It wasn't just about him anymore. He couldn't just feel sorry for himself and try to move on. Lhong went way too far and he would make sure he paid for it as well.

"What happened, Mew?"

"Lhong happened. Does he hate me this much? What did I ever do to him?" Mew asked brokenly. He took a shuddering breath to calm himself down. His emotions were all over the place right now. He was struggling between anger and hurt, he wasn't sure which emotion to let take over him.

Gulf took the seat beside him, "Mew, tell me everything. "

"He leaked our photos and messages to media. It is splattered all over the tabloid. He even gave interview to one of those trashy news channel claiming t-that I-" He broke off in the middle, not sure how to end his sentences.

"What did he say?"

When he didn't offer anything in reply, Gulf quickly took his phone and watched the interview. Lhong was claiming that Mew at times forced him for intimate encounters and babbled about various weird kinks and fetishes that Mew indulged in that weren't even true. He claimed that Mew had several partners at the same time and was a playboy and cheater. Basically he single handedly ruined Mew's entire reputation and dragged it through mud. He had gone in very sordid details, painting a disgusting picture of Mew's character, adding elaborate false details to make it all sensational. The comments under the post were going crazy. People loved gossip and drama.

More than watching someone succeed

"This is damaging my family's name. His words are hurting my parents too. The company is suffering because of this. All those employees are suffering too. If he wanted to hurt me, he shouldn't have involved other people. That's not fair. Had it been just me, maybe I would have let it go but I won't let him play with other people like that."

"What will you do now?"

"I'm not sure yet but I won't sit still."

"Mew, just be careful. Don't push yourself too much. You haven't recovered yet."

"Don't worry, Gulfie. "

Gulf froze at that, "What did you say?"

"Me? I said don't worry Gulf."

"No, you didn't say that."

"Really? I don't remember saying anything else. You must be hearing things, Gulfie." Mew chuckled at blushing Gulf. "Oh my, Gulf. Are you blushing? Those cheeks are red like cherry."

"It's not. Why would I blush? You must be seeing things." Gulf stuck out his tongue at Mew. He knew it was childish but he was getting flustered.

Next morning

"They found him. The one who caused Mew's accident." Mr. Suppasit told Gulf after police had informed him about the culprit.

"Who is it? "

"Alex Dragford. He payed someone to cause the accident. How dare he do that? I'll make sure he goes to prison for this."

"Alex?? Why would he do that? Isn't he Lhong's friend? "

"That guy has always been a bad news. I told Mew to stay away from him, not to get involved with him but that boy hardly listens to me. Lhong was never good enough for my son."

Gulf couldn't stop thinking about Alex. Did Alex do that because Mew stopped him from marrying him? Just because of that he almost killed Mew? That psycho. What the hell was wrong with these people? Was it this easy for them to kill someone? They thought nothing of a person's life.

Gulf went to Mew and before he could say anything Mew stopped him.

"Don't. I don't want to hear anything from you. Do you understand? So don't utter a single word. I know what you want to say and I forbid you to say that. I don't want you to say anything. Do you get that, Mr Kanawut?"

Mew was hunched over, shoulders bend forward like there was too much burden on him. Like the world was weighing on his shoulder. Maybe it was. For the first time Mew looked defeated. He looked like someone who wanted to give up, who didn't want fight anymore. Gulf wondered what it must be like to know your boyfriend's best friend had tried to kill you. Wouldn't it make you wonder if your boyfriend was involved in it? Gulf gasped in shock was Lhong involved in this? Did he know about it all? Or.....Did he actively participate in this car crash? He wouldn't, right? What would he gain? Because with Lhong everything was about his gain, his profit, right?

The hatred and disgust he felt towards Lhong was insurmountable. As if dumping Mew over this wasn't enough he had to go out of his way to publicly ruin him. Had Lhong ever even cared for Mew? Forget about loving him. You've to be completely shameless to treat your boyfriend like this after everything Mew had done for that good for nothing guy. Lhong practically lived on Mew's money. Gulf took few calming deep breath, he was on verge of tracking down Lhong and beating the hell out of him. Karma would definitely get him, if not Gulf.

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