Lady in Black

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Can swallowed some more words

when she sucked Big Mr. Can once,

took his dick out of her mouth

to only talk dirty to him when she said,

"I want you to


my mouth"


Sanem smiled to herself when she thought about last night.

She loved it that Can always gets so flustered 

when she's talking dirty to him.

Just wait til you see his state of mind 

when she tells him that she wants to sit on his face!

That would be a whole different ride.

Sanem smiled again at the memory of last night,

boy oh boy, did he love it cause he fucked her mouth alright. 

Not only her mouth got fucked, he fucked also with her mind. 

She had fallen, hard and fast.

After he had fucked her mouth,

he had fucked her mouth again only this time a bit differently.

While they were laying in bed he had coughed up a question.

And what for a question!

Can had asked her out, ......on a date!

Sanem had her mouth filled again,

this time not with his cock but with short breaths,

and non spoken words, she was speechless.

That was a first and this was becoming dangerous territory.

Dating was so, so, SO much more as sex.

And she was so much more inclined 

to say yes to him.

She had fooled herself enough, 

this was the moment of truth.

She had fallen head over heels for that man!

It couldn't hurt to date that man, could it?

Sanem was already going to do something more for him,

More than she thought she could ever do.

But she would do it, for Can, for his company,

for Emre.......,

for her mother.

But when Sanem thought she was finally ready to answer Can

with a yes, she surprised herself and him,

she had turned around in bed to face him

and before Can could speak again Sanem had kissed him,

Double Pain, Double PleasureWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt