the after party

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I was sitting in the car looking at the snow falling down

I felt free and happy I had only been with E.J for about 30 minutes but it felt great

" hey you ok ?" E.J asks snapping me out of my thoughts

" what? Oh yeah just thinking about how happy I am right now " I say smiling at him" I have question when did you know you liked me ?"

" the first time or second ?" He asks

" the first time ? You liked me before this year ?" I say overly suprised

" well yeah the only reason I was mean to you in grade school was because I liked you then when I relized you didnt know that and were kinda my enemy at that point I gave up " he says

" awe I didnt know that , that's so cute " I say " well do you wanna know when I knew "

" sure why not " he says

" nurses office when my brother broke your face " I confess

" really I thought it was at the dance " he says

" I mean that's reasonable " I say as we pull up to ashlynns " wait you never said the second time "

" oh right.... it was after the dance when I kissed you " he says getting out of the car

" respect " I say getting out aswell

He puts his arm around my neck as we walk in

" great you two are here were about to start the game " carlos says waving us over

We bolth walk over to the table

" ok pick a team " carlos says

Me and e.j look at eatchother
Then nod

We walk over to the east high side

" ok Wildcats choose your challenge " carlos says

( btw on the west high knights team is seb Ricky , nini and others and on east high wildcats is e.j , jules, big red and others )

We all collectively decided to

" ok we're gonna get our heads in the frame " I say

" ok the question in what is sharpays locker number" carlos starts " and go"

We all think chaoticly for a second

" uhhhhh 42" e.j says

" wait before we celebrate, jules wheres his phone " carlos asks

" in my bag at the door " I say reassuring everyone that e.j didn't cheat this time

" hey I told you guys I wasn't lying anymore " e.j said

After about ten more minutes of hsmtc( high school musical the choosical) the door opens

Ashlynn walks in with denny's ( ok ik ik its cheesy but it's more a accurate)

And...wait so does gina

Evryone is in shock and walks up to her and hugs her

" omg wait aren't you supposed to be on a plane " I ask

" yeah but ashlynns letting me stay the night " gina says letting ashlynn take the food to the kitchen

" omg that's so exciting" nini says

After about 5 minutes be had all calmed down a bit

We resumed the game ashlynn was on our team and seemed to sit closer and closer to big red and gina was on the west high knights

" ok east high if you get this last one right you win, .....pick your category " carlos states

" ok were sync to the status " big red says

" ok you have to sing were all in this to togather to the beat of start of something new " carlos says reading the card off

Were all in this togather one we know who were all stars and we see that

We all start singing horribly togather

We finish

" yeah ! Nailed it " I say high fiving e.j

Evryone starts cracking up

" ok looks like east high won " Carlos says holding up a mini trophy

" wait what happened to the ribbon?" I ask

" oh that's now on display in my room " carlos replies" so heres the second best thing "

" ok well just to top off the night I have a suprise to show you all " I say running over to my bag

I grab out a box that has lights around it with behind the scenes pictures from all the rehearsals

I turn around and hold up the light up box

" I have been working on this since September with a little bit of help from ashlynn in robotics club " I say " and now that your here for the night gina I would like you to gave it for memories sake "

Gina looks up from her phone

" actually um my mom said I'm staying the rest of the school year " gina says excitedly

" what?!!!" We all say

That's it yallllllll

Do you guys want me to make season 2

I would love to do more dramaaaaaaa

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