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A/N: 20 Years later!


Bailey Shepherd nodded at the server and picked up a champagne flute from the proffered tray. He sighed and shifted in his tux, it felt so uncomfortable. He sighed and scanned the lively crowd of Harper Avery nominees and their guests. Where was she?

"Hey." A familiar voice whispered in his ear.

"Ellis," He said, "Have you seen mom?"

His younger sister shook her head, "I thought I saw her talking with someone from Mass Gen... but I don't know anymore. Have you seen Zo?"

"No," He said, taking a sip of the champagne and scrunching up his face. He was still trying to acquire the taste of wine.

"Where's Mom?" Zola asked, approaching from the other side.

"You haven't seen her either?" Bailey asked. Crap.

"Relax, she's probably fine..." Zola said. "Let her enjoy this, she won a Catherine Fox award and practically cured diabetes."

"I know," Bailey muttered. He sighed, "she had a lot of wine though..."

"Hey, we could ask that security officer..." Ellis pointed to a young dark haired man in the corner, "He's kinda cute," she said, biting her lip. "C'mon, Zo- lets check this guy out."


Noah Porter Benson checked his watch and scanned the crowd again. It was a simple summer job, security. His mother recommended it while he went to school at Colombia. But it was boring. And this event was boring. One more hour though...

"Scuse'me," a woman approached. She was older, with a slight frame and wore a long strapless lavender dress. She looked a little familiar somehow. He nodded at her.

"Ma'am," he said.

She scrunched her face into what could've been a scowl at that, "Iss Doctor."

"Of course."

"Yeah... so Ima little lost... where's the bathroom?"

He smiled, she definitely had a little to much wine, he thought. He jerked his thumb down the hall. "First door on the right."

She swallowed, and clutched her belly. "Ugh. Thanks." and with surprising grace for someone as inebriated as she, she walked past him.

He shook his head slightly and continued to keep an eye on things. A few minutes later, two young women strode purposely up to him. What now?

"Hey," the younger brunette said, "Have you seen our Mom? She's about this tall, blondish grey hair and she was wearing a lavender dress?"

"Oh, yeah..." Noah said, "She went down that way-" He pointed down the hall. "The restroom, first door on the right."

The dark skinned girl sighed and rolled her eyes... "I'll go check on her."


Ellis watched Zola go down the hall, thankful her big sis would take care of Mom for now. Not like Mom needed help, she'd been doing great, fantastic even. Winning the her second Catherine Fox award tonight though had totally shocked her, and Ellis thought her mother just wasn't used to all the attention. But now, she was here, at this award thingy and she was a little bored.

She looked up at the security officer. He was tall, broad shouldered and...hot. She should say something. Something not stupid. "So..." she said, biting the corner of her lip, "Moms huh?" Stupid stupid stupid...

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