Chapter 1

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Harry shot out of bed immediately regretting it when he hit his head on the bottom of the stairs. For a brief week of unadulterated bliss, Harry had been allowed to sleep in Dudley's second bedroom while his aunt and uncle thought that wizards would come busting down their door at any minute to rescue him. When they found that that wasn't the case, and no one actually knew that he lived under the stairs, he was sent straight back.

Harry fumbled for his glasses and quickly opened the door to his cupboard and ran into the kitchen. One of his daily chores was making breakfast for everyone and unfortunately today he had slept in.

"There you are!" Aunt Petunia whacked him on the head with a wooden spoon, before handing it to him. "Get to it. Your uncle needs his breakfast before he heads off to work!"

Harry silently nodded his head, knowing better than to speak. That only ever caused him trouble. He found in the summers he could go whole days without uttering a word. It was lonely, but it was also necessary for survival.

Aunt Petunia walked out of the kitchen and left Harry to do his work. Harry opened the fridge and sighed. Dudley was currently on a diet. Which meant that he too, was on a diet, not that he needed it.

Harry got out a carton of eggs, a block of cheese, and a bag of spinach. He then set about making two egg and cheese omelets for his aunt and uncle, an egg, cheese, and spinach omelet for Dudley, and if he was lucky, he would have enough spinach leftover to make himself a small salad.


Harry jumped at the sound of his "name", which resulted in him dropping the bowl of eggs he had been mixing onto the floor. And right on to Uncle Vernon's shoes...

His face went white as his uncle glared at him in rage. "You stupid boy!" He walked menacingly towards him until he had cornered Harry against the counter. Uncle Vernon grabbed his wrist and slammed it onto the counter. A sickening *crack* resonated through the small kitchen. "That was a brand-new pair of shoes, you bloody idiot! Once you've finished cleaning up this mess, you're to go straight to your cupboard and not leave for the rest of the day! We'll be discussing this more later. You hear me?!"

Harry nodded and immediately started cleaning up the eggs. Once his uncle left the room, he let out the breath he had been holding. He brought his hand up to his face and winced at the movement. His wrist had obviously been broken. He sighed and finished cleaning up before heading back to his cupboard. Well, at least he wouldn't have to do the rest of his chores. Then again, that just meant he would have even more to do tomorrow. Not to mention tomorrow was Saturday, which meant that his uncle would be at home all day, ready to beat him at any sign of a mess up.

Uncle Vernon had been hitting Harry for pretty much as long as he could remember. However, it had gotten even worse after Harry had gotten accepted to Hogwarts. Since he couldn't take his anger out on Harry during the school year, that meant he had to increase his summer punishments ten-fold to make up for it.

Harry took a seat on his cot and looked at his reflection in the tiny pocket mirror he had taped to the wall. His face was gaunt and almost translucent looking. The bags under his eyes became more prominent as he lifted his glasses off of his nose and rubbed his tired eyes. He looked down at his glasses and sighed when he saw that one of the lenses was about to fall out of the crooked frames. If he had his wand, a simple reparo would have done the trick. But nothing was ever simple.

Even if Harry had been allowed to do magic away from school he couldn't because his uncle had locked all of his things, including his wand, away in the attic. Even poor Hedwig had been sent up there to stay locked up in her cage all day. Every night Harry would try to go visit her and share some of his food rations with her. It wasn't much but it was all he could do. He wished that he could get some more of Mrs. Weasley's care packages. Unfortunately, any time an owl arrived with something for Harry, Uncle Vernon would confiscate it before he could read it. He would just have to apologize to his friends about his lack of communication once he got back to school.

With a heavy heart, Harry knew that it was now time for him to reset his wrist. He had done this enough times over the years that one would think that he would have become used to it. But he would never be able to stand the sickening crunching noise his bones made as they snapped back into place. He took a deep breath before yanking his wrist to the side, putting it back into place.

Pain flared up his arm, but it seems he had gotten it back into place on the first try. It was still broken, but at least now it would heal back correctly. He looked around the tiny room for something that he could wrap around it, to keep it in place. He found an old piece of newspaper and started to tightly bind it around his wrist. Ironically enough, it was an issue of the Daily Prophet with a picture of Sirius on the front. Harry hadn't seen the man sense that fateful day at the shrieking shack. Dumbledore had told him that he was currently hiding out in Romania. Apparently, he had some friends that were dragon tamers that agreed to help keep him hidden until his name could be cleared. Until then, however, it was going to be a long time before Harry would get to see him again.

He laid his glasses off to the side and decided that if he was going to be locked in here all day, he might as well get some extra, much-needed, shut-eye. Just like every time before he went to bed, he sent a prayer to whatever gods were up there, asking them to let things be different when he woke up. Unfortunately, they never seemed to listen... 

(A/N - Hey guys! Thanks so much for reading! I hope you like it so far. Man, it has been ages since I have done a Harry Potter story. I update every weekend, so be sure to check back in next week. And remember, its LeviOsa not LeviosA.) 

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