I Wanna Be Here For You

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He realized the sad, angry look on Graysons face.

"How could you!?" Grayson yelled

"How could I what?" Blane asked curiously

"Is it because Tate and I-" Grayson started but then stopped looking past me.

"What are you doing here Gray?" Logan asked Grayson

"I just can't believe my only sister is knocked up by a fucking loser! A fucking hypocrypt!" Grayson became teary eyed.

Blane ran his fingers through his hair and started fidgeting with his hands.

"This hypocrypt is the father! Leave Gray!" Logan said raising her voice angrily.

Grayson rolls his eyes, turns around, and walks away with his hands tucked deep into his pockets.

Blane kinda feels for Grayson. Blane walks past Logan and walks into the kitchen.

"What's wrong?" Logan asked Blane.

Blane opened the fridge and was tempted by the alcohol but he closed it before grabbing it.

"Maybe you should leave" Blane told Logan.

Logan walked closer to Blane and whispered.

"What's wrong?" Logan said wrapping her arms around Blane.

Blane took a deep breath, he noticed Logan walking up the stairs.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Blane asked her.

"I wanna be here for you!" Logan said loudly disappearing in the hallway.

Blane heard her walking so he grabbed the Vodka bottle and chugged half of it down and then set it back in there. He felt a little tipsy as he tried to climb the stairs. He grabbed onto the rail and everything grayed out.

He woke up on the 7th step from the bottom. He began to feel sick and his head felt like it weighed a billion pounds.

"Logan!!" Blane yelled up the stairs not hearing anything. He scratched his head and walked into the kitchen and washed his face off turning on his parents old coffee machine. He walked to the bathroom slugly and looked in the mirror at his dark circles and pale skin. He felt hungry but at the same time nauseas. He turned on the shower and walked slugly back to the kitchen. He grabbed the cup of coffee and took a sip.

Blane knew it tasted horrible but he heard that it helped hungovers. He quickly gulped it down then walked upstairs looking into his room. He noticed a piece of paper on his bed. Blane threw on a white tee and black jeans and then checked out the note:

Blane, I know with your parents being gone that your going through a rough patch but drinking won't help.

Blane felt his world crumbling. He crumbled the note and headed to Logans house. He swiftly walked to her house letting the cool wind pass his skin. He walked up her stairs and knocked 3 times slowly. Logans father Jamie was at the door.

"Hello sir, i-is Logan here?"

"Yes,..but she doesn't want you to know that"

"Oh well I-" Blane started

"Son, she is my girl and you broke her heart...she told me that she didn't want you here; so what did you do- cheat on her?" Jamie asked him

"I, uhm wasn't there for her" Blane answered not looking into his eyes but adverting his eyes trying to get out of the conversation.

"You weren't there for him? Hmm that seems a little hard to believe"

"Listen, I gotta go sir"

"Yeah, Of couse you do...see ya around kid"

            Blane started walking away and James went back in the house. Blane turned towards the house and walked around the house trying to see Logan somewhere, anywhere. Blane saw her close her window, there is no way for him to get up to the window.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2016 ⏰

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