Chapter Two - Frank - Can't Move On

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Frank felt something eating away in his stomach, he knew he hadn't eaten dairy all day and yesterday too, it was obviously about Hazel and Reyna. He felt sick to his stomach, worse than Hazel on the Argo II with her seasickness.

"Think about it! They have to be in Greece," Annabeth exclaimed. "The stone Hazel gave me was a chalcedony, named after the Ancient Greek town Chalkedon. She gave Frank that picture which was taken in Greece after we won against the Giants." Annabeth directed her eyes toward Jason. "Reyna gave you that medallion from the quest where she rescued the girls...Cupid was hiding them in Greece!" She explained what each of their goodbyes meant and what they had to do with Greece, except for Nico's...Reyna and Hazel had randomly came up to him the day before and wrapped into a group hug between the three of them and whispered at the same time, "Remember, all paths lead to Rome. We love you, Nico."

When Nico admitted to how they said goodbye to him that totally threw Annabeth off the course she was heading down.

"So they're either in Ancient Greece or Rome. That narrows it down pretty well, considering they could be literally anywhere in the world..." Leo said.

Frank stared at Percy who was looking at the picture Hazel gave to Frank. Ever since Frank's lifeline didn't depend on a stupid stick anymore he felt a lot braver. When Hazel was redeemed of her curse he asked to be released of his stupid stick lifeline. If it hadn't been for Leo creating that fireproof bag, Frank probably would've died along time ago. Not that he didn't trust Hazel with his life, he definitely did but if something were to happen to her because she tried to protect his lifeline he would never be able to live with himself.

Now that he was eighteen, he was a lot more confident and powerful than he was just two years ago during the Giant War.

"Well what if they're not in Greece and just giving us clues to Greece to throw us off of their trail?" Nico asked bitterly. Nico's "friend" Will Solace comforted him as Nico grimaced curses under his breath to himself. Frank couldn't imagine what he was going through, he just lost his sister and his best friend and it don't help that he was just escaping a horrible case of depression.

"Well what if they are there and if we don't look I won't be able to live with myself." Percy groaned. Frank knew that Percy was close to both of them like Nico was. Through the past two years every one had gotten a lot closer and Nico and Reyna had begun to open up to the rest of the group.

"I'm going to go get Calypso and start up the Argo II." Leo said and began walking into the forest. He and Calypso had built a treehouse in the forest of Camp Half-Blood. Those two were the only ones who knew how to get to it from anywhere in the camp. Leo called it 'the perfect make-out spot' which was always made Hazel fan herself whenever he talked about it.

As Leo walked away Frank notice how he had hit a major growth spurt in the past two years, at least six inches in height. Of course, the rest of the guys were still taller than him though. He was probably 5'10 or 5'11. Frank, Percy and Jason were all at least 6' or higher.

"We'll go tell Chiron that we're heading for Greece." Annabeth said and placed her hand on Percy's shoulder. They left holding hands.

Frank turned to see Piper comforting her boyfriend. Rubbing his shoulders and saying comforting things. Piper sure did have a way with words. She once convinced Leo to wear something other than suspenders for an entire week. She can do the impossible.

"What if I never see them again?" Jason asked quietly.

"Don't think like that," Piper whispered in his ear but Frank could still hear what she was saying. "We'll find them, Jason. You'll see Hazel and Reyna again."

Piper looked up at Frank with a sad look in her ever changing eyes. "I think we're going to need some time alone..." Piper got Jason to stand up and led him to his cabin where they could be alone.

That left Nico, Will Solace and Frank alone. Frank wanted to leave but he felt that if he left Nico might get offended.

"You can go if you want to..." Nico said. He was probably reading Frank's mind. Or was the look on Frank's face really give that away.

"Thanks, Nico." Frank said sadly. He began walking toward his cabin. His sister Clarisse is cool but she's not the person you would go to if you needed a shoulder to cry on. She'd probably tell you to man up and stop crying. Not that Frank was going to cry, he just felt really terrible. He missed Hazel to no end. He even remembered how she looked when he last saw her.

She was wearing the purple and grey sweatshirt He had given her for her 15th birthday and tight black pants with black Converse sneakers that went up to her ankles. Her curly cinnamon colored hair was pulled back into a French braid and she had the slightest bit of makeup on her eyes because she agreed to let Piper do her makeup. Frank remembered her smelling better than usually did (and she usually smelled good when she wasn't fighting off monsters). Was she trying to look nicer because she was leaving? Was she planning to leave? Why would she leave without telling him? Hopefully she hadn't already moved on. Frank didn't know if he ever could.

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