The wait is over!!!!!

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Hey guys!!!!

New readers, old readers, future readers. I'm so happy to tell you that you can now read this book on the Novelnow app. It is completed on there and I'll most likely never update the complete version on Wattpad anymore.

I know how we most likely don't like to pay for books and I'm glad to tell you that you don't need to buy coins to read on this app.

Help me grow out there, read the book, like it leave a comment. The payment structure is based on ads and we watch ads on mostly every platform including this, the only different is this can actually get me paid.

Trust me it is a whole new experience and I've added new things to the book that you will enjoy.

1) Get the app@ playstore

2) Search for my book "Twain Became one"

3) My pen name 'Orex' should pop up.

4) Add to your library.

5) Watch the general ad

6) You can decide not to download the whole book at once and unlock each chapter separately by watching an ad used to lock it. It means more revenue for me and I'll appreciate it so much.

7) I really need this guy's help me out.

I'll be looking out for your comment.

Love always,

Twain Became OneWhere stories live. Discover now