Chapter 14

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Double Update!

Hello! Anyways, straight up to business... I have to deal with online classes and modules at the same time. But gladly the online class is not constant meaning that it's not every day. Also, This is the longest Chapter! See you at the bottom!

{[System]} - Announcement or actions done by the system

{Voice Of The World} - Voice of The World basically

"Hello!" - Someone talking

'Welcome to my Mind!' - Someone thinking

[Name] - name of a skill

[(Announcement)] - [Great Sage] talking

(Me: Hello!!) - Me talking

「Hi!」-Thought Communication

(Name) - someone possessing or controlling one's body


{[System Acitvating...Success! Continuing The Story]}

After Veldora controlled his aura, we went out of the cave to see the citizens of Eurazania gathering in front of the cave, with the executives blocking the entrance.

"Everyone please calm down! It is Lord Rimuru's order to not let anyone in!" Benimaru shouted

"You can also feel the Storm Dragon's aura earlier right!? Your lord might be in danger!" Someone in the crowd said

"Still! It is Lord Rimuru's order!" Benimaru shouted again

"Uh... Everyone, please calm down" I said as everyone looked at me, Veldora not included

'The hell?' I thought

"Lord Rimuru! Are you alright!?" Shuna said worriedly

"Thank you for worrying Shuna, but I'm fine" I said calming her down

"Lord Rimuru, who's that beside you?" Rigurd asked as everyone looked at Veldora

"Kuhahahaha! If you want to know me! Then I'm The Storm Dragon Veldora Tempest! Kuhahahaha!!" Veldora suddenly said... loudly

Everyone was surprised, they were baffled.

"All of you do you want to know what is my relationship with Rimuru!?" he shouted

They gave him silence... indicating that they're waiting.

"We are sworn friends!! Kuhahahahaha!!" he declared as I was embarrassed

Souei then appeared next to me as he scanned the situation. He notices that something had happened.

"Should I wait before I report, Lord Rimuru?" Souei asked

"No need, just tell me. It'll help die down my embarrassment" I said

"Understood. King Gazel from Dwargon has arrived, as Fuze the guildmaster in Blumund's guild has also arrived. They are currently waiting in the meeting room" Souei reported

"I see, thank you for the report Souei. I'll be there in a minute" I said as Souei vanished away


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