The Battle of Hogwarts

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            Two months later, the day came that would change all their lives. Tonks was woken by the sound of crying coming from the bassinet at the end of the bed. She stood and went over, lifting her distressed son into her arms. She changed and redressed him and then put back down before climbing into bed. She curled up against Remus's side and had just started to drift off when there was a loud bang on the door.

            Remus and Tonks shot up, completely alert as Ben started crying again, frightened by the loud noise. Tonks lifted Ben and followed Remus out into the hall just as Ted and Andromeda left their room and made their way down the stairs.

            "Stay behind me," Remus told Tonks and she nodded rather than arguing like Remus had expected her to. She was an auror after all and she could take care of herself. But the baby in her arms couldn't and it was her job to protect him.

            "Who is it?" Remus said through the door.

            "It is I, Kingsley Shaklebolt..." They listened to Kingsley prove himself and then Remus opened the door.

            "Sorry to barge in this late," he said, "Especially since I can see someone isn't sleeping tonight." He was looking at Tonks who was still trying to get Ben to settle.

            "What's happened Kingsley?" Remus asked.

            "Arthur informed me that Harry is at Hogwarts. You-Know-Who is on his way there now. We need to get there, we're fighting."

            "We'll see you at the school in a few minutes," Remus nodded. Kingsley left and Ted hurried upstairs to get ready, Tonks and Remus close behind him.

            "I'm coming with you," Tonks said to her husband.

            "Absolutely not, you need to stay here with Ben," Remus replied firmly.

            "How can I sit here when my husband and father and all our friends are fighting for their lives?"

            "Sweetheart, I know you want to be there, but Ben needs you," Remus said, desperate to make her understand. "If something happens and I don't come home, you're all he has. What if you did come and fight and neither of us made him home? I don't want that happening to Ben. I don't want him growing up like Harry did." He looked at her pleadingly and eventually she nodded, knowing he was right.

            Tonks stood there and watched Remus get ready to leave. She leaned against the doorframe holding Ben. The baby had finally stopped crying only for his mother to start. Remus turned and saw the tears on her face.

            "Oh sweetheart, come here," she walked over and Remus wrapped his arms around her.

            "I'm sorry, it's just... I don't want to lose you," she said, sobbing into his chest.

            "Shhh Dora, it's alright. I'll come back, I promise," he looked at her smiled, wiping tears off her cheeks. She smiled back and laughed quietly.

            "I'm sorry," she said again, "I shouldn't be acting this way, but if something happens to you..."

            He bent down and kissed her, silencing the rest of what she'd been saying. They broke apart and Remus took Ben in his arms, holding the infant close. Ben's arms moved absently and his tiny fingers grasped onto Remus's shirt. There was a knock on the door then and Ted walked into the room.

            "You ready to go?" he asked. Remus nodded and the three mad either way downstairs, Ben still in his father's arms. Andromeda was waiting for them at the door, looking scared. Ted pulled her into a hug and whispered quietly to her. Remus turned to Tonks and pulled her into his arms once again. Then he leaned down to kiss her, both of them wondering if this would be the last time the three of them were together. They broke apart and Remus pressed a kiss to Ben's head before handing the baby to his mother.

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