Baby Talk

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            Tonks was on her own at her parent's house for just over a month. She had intended to go back home after they left, but Kingsley told her that the place had been torn apart. He'd also told her that Remus had contacted him, but hadn't said where he was. Tonks was sitting at the table reading The Daily Prophet when there was a loud bang on the door. She stood and went down the hall.

            "Who is it?" she called and then listened in shock to the response. She opened the door, hardly daring to breathe.

            "Remus," she whispered, staring at him with wide eyes.

            "Hello Dora," he said, not meeting her eyes. "I, um, I'm so sorry Dora. I was a fool, an idiot. Can I come in and try to convince you to forgive me?" He looked up at her and Tonks could see the desperation and sadness in his eyes.

            "I knew you'd come back," she whispered, wrapping her arms around him and burying her face in his shoulder. "You don't need to try and get forgiveness, you're already forgiven."

            He pulled her against him and held her tight, hardly daring to believe how lucky he was. Tonks pulled away and stood aside so Remus could enter the house. They walked into the living room and sat down on the couch.

            "So, how are you feeling?" Remus asked.

            "Okay, I mean, um..." she looked at him uncertainly, not wanting to say something that would make him leave again.

            "Dora, I honestly want to know. You don't need to worry about what you say to me. Nothing you say now or in the future, regarding our child, is going to make me leave ever again. I promise," Remus said, pulling her against his side. She put her head on his shoulder and took a deep breath before really answering.

            "I'm feeling alright. The morning sickness isn't that bad anymore, it was terrible the first few months. There are certain foods that make me sick, like coffee, I can't stand the smell of it lately," Tonks smiled at him and he looked at her happily, pleased that she still trusted and loved him.

            "The only problem is that none of my clothes fit right anymore and since my parents are on the run-"

            "They are?" Remus said, shocked. Tonks nodded her head and told him the whole situation before continuing.

            "So since they're on the run I haven't been able to get anything that fits better. My mum was talking about going to a little muggle town to get some maternity clothes, but... since they've been gone I've been wearing any old clothes of my dad's I can find. So, warning you now, I'll probably be stealing your shirts."

            Remus chuckled and kissed the top of her head.

            "If you don't mind me asking," he started, "You're five months along now. How big, er, no, I mean, um..." He looked at her awkwardly and she laughed, lifting up her shirt so that it was just above her stomach. Remus looked at her baby bump in awe. Was it really only five months ago that her belly had been flat? Tonks gasped suddenly and put her hand on her stomach.

            "What is it?" he asked, worried. She looked at him and there were tears in her eyes. Tonks took his hand and place it on top of her stomach and after a few moments he felt what she had.

            "This is the first time this has happened," she said quietly, looking amazement as the baby kicked again. "Mum said that this happening the first time would be unbelievable, but I never thought..." She trailed off, smiling. They sat on the couch together for a long time and didn't move until it started to get dark.

            "You stay here and I'll make you two something to eat," Remus said, kissing her before standing up. She smiled and repositioned herself on the couch before reaching over and turning on the wireless. She fiddled with it for a few moments before Remus heard a very familiar sound.

            "Hello everyone and welcome to Potterwatch..."

            "I've been listening to it every night. It was the only way I could hear your voice."

            The words were said so quietly that Remus thought for a moment he might have imagined them. He stepped out of the kitchen and looked at Tonks. She glanced at him and then turned back to stare at the wireless.

            "Stupid, I know. But I always said you'd come back and I just wanted..."

            He went over and took her hand, helping her off the couch. Remus pulled her against him again and held her tightly.

            "Come on," he said eventually and the two of them went into the kitchen to make dinner. They had just started eating when Tonks covered her mouth with her hand and hurried out of the room. Remus followed her and found her in the bathroom, hunched over the toilet. He rubbed her back until it was over and then helped her lean back against him. Remus ran his hands up and down her arms and kissed the top of her head. In that moment, all of Tonks's worries and fears that he would leave again vanished.

            "Sorry," she said, "Apparently that doesn't agree with me tonight." He smiled gently at her and helped her to her feet. Remus guided his wife over to the couch and then went to clean up their uneaten foot. When returned, Tonks was falling asleep on the couch.

            "Come on, you're exhausted," Remus said quietly. They went upstairs slowly and lied down, falling asleep together for the first time in five months.

Alright, so after reading this story over and editing it I realized it does have a lot of time jumps. I didn't actually change that as, overall, there's only seven chapter in this whole story. However, I do intend to eventually write a sequel (no guarantees as to when) and that one won't have giant time leaps or stuff like that as I feel I'm a better writer now than I was when I was twelve and can work out a bit more of a steady plot.

Also, could someone tell me if I'm using the right version of "Tonks's". I feel like a twit, but one of the things I have always had an issue with (literally always, despite years of schooling I still don't think I do this stuff right). Is it: "Tonks's" or "Tonks'"?

So, thank you so much for reading and let me know what you think! New chapter up next Tuesday!

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