5: Busted

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"Here you go, enjoy the ride." The ticket lady said strapping a purple band around my wrist. I followed Justin onto the boat, already regretting my decision to come.

"This may be a bad idea, there are so many people!" I exclaimed, tugging on his elbow for his attention.

"Jeez, stop complaining and follow me."

The boat has two levels. The bottom, which is where we are, is some kind of bar with areas to collect party favours. There are mostly young people already nodding their heads to the starter music. Justin, my awful boss, leads me to the back of the boat away from the loading area.

"Don't worry," he smiles "once this thing takes off the party starts."

I gave him a wary look, which he countered with an excited grin. Just when I was about give him an earful three ladies were walking by with colorful drinks in their hands. The brunette on the side gives me a look that says 'unimportant'. She smiles politely nonetheless, and moves her gaze towards my boss. When they arrive their eyes light up like casino machines.

"Wow," she says with a flirty smile "the Justin Bieber!" Justin who was slightly distracted seemed to realised he was recognized.

"Hey ladies, it's nice to meet you." He shook their hands but his gaze lingered on the brunette when he saw that her intentions were flirty.

The blonde in the middle giggled excitedly when he touched her. "So what brings you here, I'm sure you have your own yacht or what not."

"Well you can't have a good time on your own, right?" He laughed "Besides I don't live in Florida."

They all laughed as though what he said as hilarious. I however had no further interest in this conversation. I waited their pointless flirting out until it was polite enough to leave.

"Um excuse me, did you get those drinks at the bar?" I asked impatiently. Their eyes snapped over to me as though I committed a crime.

"Pardon?" Justin asked eyes full of irritation. "Never mind, enjoy you booty call." I smiled sarcastically and walked away.

"Who was that? She was so rude!" I heard as I walked. I rolled my eyes and headed to the bar for some water or something.

"Hi, what can I get for you? I recommend to mango tango." The bartender said with a goofy smile on his aged face. His named tag read Taco, which matched him perfectly. His salt and pepper hair spilled over his wrinkles. He looked too old for this boat.

"Oh wow, that sounds... terrifying. Can I just get a water?"

"Oh come Betty! A water isn't going to get you in the party mood, how about the Zingy fruit punch. It tastes like watermelon and rum!" He smiled excitedly.

I shook my head disapprovingly. "Taco, I'm under age. Plus that doesn't sound like a good combination."

He gave me a loud laugh, holding onto his surprising small stomach. "Alright Betty, how about a coke on the rocks rimmed with a lemon?"

I smiled "Sure".

I was grateful for my drink, it was refreshing and by time I was done, the boat was loaded and out on the sea.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the floating palace!" a voice said loud over the crowd "Are you ready to party?!"

The crowd roared with excitement. I smiled and clapped my hands as Taco screamed. Taco amused me.

"Alright, as you can see everything here is free so grab as many drinks and as many favours you want and head to the top deck. Let's get this party started!" The voice shouted. I asked taco for another coke and headed over to the favour table. It was obvious Justin had ditched me and I don't feel like swimming back to land, I might as well snag some cool stuff.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2017 ⏰

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