Chapter 10

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Ashton's POV

Another week has gone by and it's been snowing off and on, some of it melting only to be replaced the next day. Mercy and I have been figuring out our feelings together, helping each other figure whatever we need out while watching random movies at my house.

Now I'm finishing the sketch I started last week, ignoring whatever the teacher's saying about the lesson. It's a nice drawing and I'm almost finished, working out a few details and making sure the shading is just right. I've come to accept that these eyes look exactly like Ollie's, with hair falling just over them just like his does.

"Mr. Smith! Would you like to share your drawing with the class or would you like to pay attention?" The booming voice of my teacher almost makes me ruin the picture, luckily I don't.

"Sorry," I mutter, setting my pencil down and staring at the top of my desk.

"That's what I thought." I roll my eyes as he continues the lesson. I still don't pay attention, I've heard this a thousand times and I'll get the homework done on time either way so I just daydream all through class.

I wonder if Ollie's daydreaming right now. Yeah, I'm definitely coming to terms with the fact that I like him. The amount of times he slips into my mind throughout the day just proves it even more than the looks I give him at times.

At lunch Sandy, Mercy and I laugh and plan to all stay at Mercy's this weekend. I can't help but glance towards Oliver and his friends, seeing him smile and laugh at something one of them says before he glances over at me and I snap my gaze back to the girls.

The rest of the day goes by in a similar fashion, as does the rest of the week. Until Friday night when Sandy and I go to Mercy's while Oliver goes to one of his friends' houses. I want to go back to that cabin. It was so nice and peaceful out there.

"Ash, get the snacks, I'll set up the game," Mercy smiles as we get inside. I grab a bunch of snacks from the kitchen before meeting the girls upstairs, laughing and joking around as we play video games most of the night.

When Mercy gives me a certain look, I decide to get up. "I'm gonna get more drinks, do you guys want anything?" Mercy's expression turns thankful as she nods her head.

"Another Coke, thanks," she smiles.

"A Pepsi?" Sandy smiles, kindly and I nod, leaving the two in Mercy's room. Mercy said she wanted to tell Sandy tonight so I hyped her up this morning and we established a signal so I can leave when she confesses.

I go to the kitchen, searching in the fridge for the drinks the two asked for. I grab each of the girls' choices before getting myself a Root Beer, setting each bottle on the counter to grab a bag of chips from the cabinet.

Both of Mercy's parents are out of town for the weekend for some work related trip so we have a whole two days of them being gone. They're chill people so nothing really changes much around here but now we aren't worried about being too loud and waking them up in the middle of the night.

As I reach for the chips the front door opens and shuffling comes from there before it closes. Setting the chips next to the sodas, I look back to see Oliver stumbling to get his boots and coat off. Is he drunk?

"Hey, I thought you were staying at your friends'?" I question as he gets his coat on the hook finally.

"I... Did not go to my friendss," his words are slurred as he nearly falls on his way towards the kitchen.

"Are you drunk? How'd you get back here?" I manage to stop him from falling on his face, getting him to lean on the counter to stay semi-stable.

"I amm. And I went to the cabin," he whispers the last part, grinning like it's the biggest secret ever. "Shhh. You can't tell anyone about it." I can smell the alcohol on him from where I stand.

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