Chapter 3

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Ashton's POV

When Mercy and Oliver dropped me off I almost didn't want to get out of the car, knowing no one's there to greet me when I get inside. Despite that, I went in.

I wish I could go back in time to when Mom was always here to ask me about my day. She'd let me pick a snack and we would talk, laugh and watch old Popeye DVDs.

Don't get me wrong, I love my mom and everything she does for me now. I just wish we could do that again sometimes.

I know we can't afford for her to take time off right now and she's doing everything she can just to keep the house and some entertainment. I've suggested cancelling something like Netflix or something but she insists that I have something to watch here so I don't have to go to Mercy's to watch TV.

She won't even let me get a job to help out because she doesn't want to make me carry that weight.

I love her with all my heart.

I go into the kitchen after pressing play on some music from the speaker by the TV so I can listen to it while I clean up everything I can. Avoiding the bedrooms, I clean every room in the small house. Organising the different cabinets and shelves until I know Mom won't feel obligated to when she gets home.

I dance around the house while I clean, having a pretty good time just listening to my music and busying myself. Once I'm done I flop onto my bed laying on my stomach as I relax.

I wonder what Oliver and Mercy are doing as I lay still. Turning to lay on my back and staring at the white popcorn ceiling, my mind wanders to a pair of green eyes, covered slightly by light brown hair.

What!? Why am I thinking about Oliver?!

Whatever, just think about something else.

Like how bored you are?


I shoot up from my bed.

My homework!

Racing to get my work, I start the problems trying to get them done before I have to make dinner. I only get half done before cooking, working as I cook and eat. Once food is done and I've eaten, I put the rest into two containers. One is for Mom when she gets home and the other is for her lunch tomorrow since she'll forget to eat if she gets too focused on work when lunch rolls around.

This way she can take it and eat when she gets hungry since she'll see it when she goes into her office.

When everything is done I get back to my homework, sitting on my bed to try and finish in time. I don't know when I fell asleep but when I wake up I'm covered in one of my blankets and my homework is neatly set under my phone on my nightstand. I shut my alarm off and get ready for school quickly.

Before heading out I peek into Mom's room finding her asleep with the covers up to his stomach as she lays. I pull them up more to make sure she's warm before kissing her forehead and leaving for school.

I could never ask for a better mom.

The rest of the week goes by pretty fast, Tyler messing with me every chance he gets. He makes snide comments to Mercy and I but shoving me in passing when I wasn't with Mercy. He even threw paper balls at me every fifth hour just because he wanted to.

It's finally Friday and Mom's been working all week so I've only seen her for a few minutes before one of us had to leave. When I get home I do my homework before making dinner and relaxing on the couch. Once I've finished eating I start cleaning up the leftovers and dirty dishes until my phone goes off and I pause.

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