Chapter 4 [What]

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A/N: i feel happy cuz its their anniversary and i just had to upload a chapter. happy bday seaweed brain.

to Raptor, for helping me befriend weirdos and teaching me how to teleport to her


Her heart skipped as she jumped on the horse and Hazel ran to get on one too. Her mind raced as her horse, she wanted to call it Chroma, started to gallop around and slowly picked pace. She didn't look back, not because she didn't want to, but she feared if she did, her eyes would see something that she wouldn't be able to forget.

So according to her brain, she had done the right thing but as she heard a whistle beside her, she realized it was an arrow. An arrow to kill her or Hazel. The arrow had missed though. She, although she didn't want to, looked back and saw Hazel riding behind her. Thankfully she wasn't hurt. But she made wild gesticulations which Annabeth guessed were meant to motion her to the side but all they did was make Hazel an easy target.

But she did know that she was to move to the side, so she did. She pulled on the reins and tried to tug them to the sides, but her horse (she so badly wanted to call it something) had already started to go into the denser parts of the forest, near the edge.

She rode till she heard a faint "Annabeth!". She whipped her head around as she saw a flash of chocolate between the trees. It was hazel. This was good, hazel had escaped. But where were they to head to? Maybe Hazel had a plan but after this great escape of theirs, she wasn't trusting Hazel's plans anymore. Don't get her wrong, she trusted Hazel, just not her plans. She pulled on the reins and her horse stopped with neigh. As Hazel neared her, Annabeth called out to her. Hazel's reply was instant but was muffled with a loud cry from behind them. Hazel's eyes focused on something behind her and suddenly she was off. As she turned, she saw a beautiful horse with a white mane and glowing eyes. The rider had a mask on, which was probably made of cotton but Annabeth knew it was a girl. She saw the horror in her colorful eyes. They swirled with browns and greens, pinks and blues. Annabeth knew the panic, she had seen her home for 5 years burn down, but as she saw the girl jump down and let her horse rest, she knew they had a very intimate bond. She thought of all the memories in the convent and felt tears stinging her eyes. Hazel spoke immediately " Pipes, I'm sorry, I'll see if we can do anything" and she too jumped off her horse, straightening her over-the-top gown. Annabeth slid down her horse and slowly took her surroundings in. They were in the center of a clearing in the middle of a forest. They had a wounded horse, a very beautiful wounded horse which they couldn't leave alone. They were starved and parched. A great beginning to an escape. She knew the other girl too, yet she didn't. Hazel called her Pipes, but who in their right mind would name their child that? It could just be a nickname. She just decided that directly asking her would be insensitive and inched closer to hazel.

"What's her name, hazel?" she whispered into her curls. She thought that was subtle but unfortunately, the girl, Pipes, had sharp ears. She stood up and pulled down her mask. " I'm Piper, nice to meet you..?". It took Annabeth a second to realize that she still had her stupid wig and costume on. She looked to hazel for confirmation and she bobbed her head. "I'm supposed to be The Barrenness of Kenchin but I'm Annabeth, Princess of Athens, nice to meet you too"


Annabeth loved piper. The girl could turn a funeral into a party. she wouldn't lie, but she loved the gods for injuring Piper's horse. Apparently, there was a team that helped her mother, the Queen of Athens, spy on other kingdoms and as they headed to the main city, she learned that her mother was planning something either spectacularly horrible or something horribly spectacular. Piper was sent to get the two as they had not returned by the destined time. The royal family was thriving and so was the kingdom. But as she had heard in the tent with hazel, Olympus had continued attacks and they were in serious need of armies and weapons. King of Olympus Zeus had been rumored to be going mad, according to piper. She also learned that her father was announcing the annual festival the next day. Annual festivals allowed every country to come. Every country or kingdom. Even the Atlantis kingdom...


Her mind wandered to the amazing poles that were built in front of the palace. They had been riding for hours straight, but with Piper to lighten the mood and to guide the way (properly might she add) they had reached the palace. Her home was definitely different. It was weird what 5 years of time away could do. Her eyes found themselves settling on the banner that flew along with the flag high atop the palace. Guards made way for Piper and Hazel as they escorted her, still riding on their horses. There was a fuss as they entered the stables. Annabeth found her coat being removed clumsily and she was being ushered out of the stables soon enough with hazel and piper hot on her trail. When she realized where she was being taken to, a lump formed in her throat. The courtroom was the last place she wanted to be right now. In front of all the jury and the king and queen. Not her parents. But the king and queen. She knew that as she stepped into the hall it wouldn't be her parents she would answer to. It would be her king and queen. She wouldn't be their daughter. She would be the princess of Athens, as she stood in front of the council. She would have to declare herself. But if they knew she didn't want to, they might just strip of her title. Annabeth bowed as she saw the guards bring in her parents. She saw her mother and watched her eyes as they glowed with happiness. And she watched her father, his stiff posture but his shoulders were relaxed. This made her less tense but she had to please the rest of the council and that scared the Tartarus out of her....





i dont own any of the characters, rick riordan does. may god bless him and y'all.

amara idk wot to say for messaging me at midnight yesterday -but dont kill me, i will surely send you the cookies and we'll re-read all the books tonight. 

lot of luv



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