Love is a game of pain

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"Because I don't trust you" and as I uttered those words my heart fell and I gave into my tears. He turned and walked away, his pace quickening as the distance between us grew. He wasn't going to turn back because he knew it would just give me an opportunity to push him away, again. I wished he would but hoped he wouldn't. Sadness runs down my cheeks and hits my shoes and I stare at my muddy white laces and wonder why, why was I so good at pushing away the best? The tears of sadness cease and the anger within me looks for an escape. It's wild and effortlessly strong and in my weakest moment I turn and hit the wall behind me. Through tears I stare at my bruised hand and I'm reassured, because no matter how hard I try, I will never hurt myself as much as I would like to. I pick up my bag and turn to go because leaving is easier than staying, hurting is safer than trusting and love is a game of pain.

--- it's my first attempt at writing and any feedback is appreciated-- ;D

Maybe, Never ReallyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ