Chapter 15

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Not finished just yet, should be finished today I'll probably add 1 or 2 more paragraphs. Happy reading!

Chapter 15

Rayne dabbed Nero's cheek gently as he stewed on his pallet. She was still wondering just what was going on but the burning look from Ajad's cold, dead, grey eyes kept her and her beloved from interjecting anymore than they already had. Also she was furious at Cheyenne for hurting Nero though in the back of her head she knew the warrior must have a reason for reacting the way she did. The temple was silent as she finished cleaning Nero's measly cut. There also must be a reason for Ember's sudden break down, Rayne had seen the agony etched in her face.
Then The silence was finally broken as Ember entered the room with Cheyenne, both of there eyes glistening with tears. Ember's now gold eyes dimmed like behind that door they had been glowing and Cheyenne's once pale sea-green eyes were also being taken over by the same liquid gold. Ajad rushed to Cheyenne and they whispered hurriedly in their own language.
"Ember, you're alright," Rayne said while sighing in relief. Nero just gave the girl a nod and returned to his stew of anger.
"Yes, I am quite alright," She twirled happily. "More than alright! I am no longer an orphan." She finished the sentence with a giggle and her whole being seemed to radiate joy and power. Rayne did not respond, she didn't know how to. She knew nothing of this Goddess everyone was speaking of she hadn't even believed there was diety until she came to this temple.
"You think this Goddess of theirs is your mother?" Nero moved away from Rayne and scrambled to his feet. The gold eyes unnerved him, Rayne observed but said nothing of it.
"I know that she is dear Nero," Ember said with and even larger giggle.
"There is no Goddess, do you not see how dull that is. The savages always spew such dense nonsense," Nero spat, Rayne rose to comfort him and he pushed her away. "No Rayne, I am tired of you siding against me, you are much to kind for your own good."
"Look at her eyes! Do you see nothing through that mask of ignorance you wear?" Rayne shouted. "Or Cheyenne's eyes, or the way these murals seem to come to life when you look at them?" She said more softly stepping closer and motioning for the pictures on the walls that surrounded them. "This is not a just a legend my love this is real, and you must let go of the past grievances. If they wished to harm us they would have done so already. They are saving us." this time her voice was just above a whisper and her hands cupped his face. She planted one chaste kiss on his sweet lips and then looked back up into his brown eyes. His gaze softened and he gathered her in his arms.
"You are very right my darling, and I am sorry for my rash words." He inclined his head to Ember also the death of his friend never leaving his mind.
"I know it is very strange, but what Ember say is true she is only half mortal," Cheyenne spoke walking over and Ajad followed. "I cannot explain it all now though, we must keep moving. Once we reach Aes it will all be clear." She eyed Nero for a moment and looked like she was going to speak, and apology Rayne hoped, but she didn't speak she just turned and busied packing up the bedding. Ajad rushed to aid her and Ember followed suit.
"Let's go out and check on the horses," Rayne said smiling at Nero before leading him out of the temple and into the harsh light of a new day.
The horses whinnied something like good morning as Nero and Rayne began untieing them and walking them in circles to stretch their legs. They both said nothing to each other. Whisper was the only horse left to be exercised but she nipped at the knight and the princess sometimes kicking.
"Even the savages horse are savage." Nero muttered under his breath as he went in for another try at untieing the mare.
"I would not do that if I were you she likes to kick. Very savage." Cheyenne voiced from the doorway where she wore a amused expression and a raised eyebrow. The mare settled as she laid eyes on Cheyenne her nose twitched and she went perfectly still for Nero. He hastily untied her before the mare broke free and cantered over to Cheyenne. "That is to be expected though is it not?" Cheyenne eyed Nero who fumed beside Rayne.

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