Prologue - Empty Lists

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                                        [ PROLOGUE - EMPTY LISTS ]

        Bradley popped his leather vest collar, stroked back his long dark brown hero hair, and tucked his I.D. inside his back pocket. He went downstairs, gave his Aunt a hug and she kissed his cheek, getting flour on it.

       "Take care, dear." She bid farewell sweetly.

        "You, too, Auntie." He wiped the flour off his cheek in amusement.  She always got flour on him every morning, whether it was from kneading bread or baking a pie, or biscuits.  He would miss the morning that she was not there, smearing grains on his skin.

        He entered the foyer and took a left, entering a dark den where an elderly man rested in a rocking chair, taking a morning nap.  Bradley kissed the man's knuckles and looked at him dearly, midnight eyes filled with love and endearment.

        "See ya later, Papa." The pale-faced young man walked out the backdoor of his house so not to cause suspicion for any neighbors, and started running through the forest at high speed towards his destination.  The wind chopped through his hair and every path was open to him as he swerved and twisted perfectly, being aware of every tree and branch in the vicinity.  The veil of the forest granted him great solace and shelter from the sunshine. Only a moment later, he came upon a great view, there stood a large brick building four stories high with a courtyard, a large parking lot, and some resting benches.  Princeton Academy.  Yup, just as he remembered it.

        Why does a vampire even bother with school?  He had graduated from seven different colleges ever since his Turning.  Well, let's just say after the first forty years and nary a wrinkle to shed experience, he became... bored.

        He emerged from the forest and slowed to a jog, pretending to get leisurely exercise.  What he didn't remember was that it had just poured down rain and barely let up at sunrise, and he was headed straight towards a humongous mud puddle.

        Anna scribbled into the middle of her old, worn pink composition book her To Do List for August 2016.

        1. Charm Mr. Baxley for extra credit.

        2. Steal the show at Breanna's Party on the 29th.

        3. G-

        Three is the magic number.  Witches always do things in groups of three.  At least this short brunette witch does.  Being the only witch at a normal school, Princeton Academy, wasn't easy for Anna.  Well, as normal as rich gets.  It took merely 3 months to elevate her status as a first year.  Now, only a 2nd year she already won Badass Queen award last year, has a perfect 9million.0 Grade Point Average and is the leader of the Honor Roll Club (Which still hasn't been invented).

        Growing up a witch, Anna had no control over her powers up until 18 years old.  Young girls inherit the powers from their mother and are not taught to control them.  Her mum, the Muffin Man's wife, Betty just simply cleaned up all the messes Anna made, and stitched the doll's arms back together from being accidentally blown up or caught on fire from some rabid spell.  But sometimes even then with the best doll surgeon, many poor barbies were buried at Lakeford Cemetery.

        So all her life she was home-schooled with her younger brother, whats-his-name-who-plays-too-many-games, while she was busy wreaking havoc in an untrained manner.

        The only difference after Anna turned 18?  Well.  She was busy wreaking havoc in a trained manner.  Busy being the most popular girl in the academy.  Busy walking down the halls and having servant girls carry her bags while she walked down the hall, everyone sliding towards their lockers to make way for her.

        So anyways.  Number 3!

        3. Give -



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