Not Your Average Rich Girl

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I wake in the morning just like I would any other day.

Take a shower, get dressed, eat breakfast.

Except this is not just another day.

This is the morning of my first shift at my new job.

I know what you're thinking.

Monsieour Amirault's daughter? Working? No way.

But today, I'm not Adelaide Amirault.

I'm someone new.

I'm the girl that dresses normally and sneaks out when her parents aren't watching.

I'm the girl that explores the world, just like everyone else.

I carefully sceduled my shift so that my parents won't be home when I'm gone.

But I never thought about Terrance being here, I'll have to just sneak past him then explain later if he asks questions.

I walk down the main stairs normally, testing to see if I get any reaction.


I walk quicker, just wanting to get out the door.

When my foot hits the last step, the living room door swings open.

Terrance is standing in the doorway.

He smiles when he sees me. "I made breakfast. I saved you some, it's in the kitchen, let me show yo-"

"No." I blurt out a little too harshly, then correct myself. "N-no, thank you. I'm fine, I'm not hungry, but thank you for saving some." I smile, then look down at decide to continue heading toward the door.

"Uh, oh you're going?" His smile edges away slightly, hurt. "I thought we could catch up. Talk for hours, like we used to." His eyes click to the floor, then quickly back up to me- suprisingly, not lingering this time.

"O-oh, I really would love to, honestly, b-but I have to run a errand for my parents." My chest aches for him. He looks so hurt. "But, later! I promise." I stick out my arm instinctively, pinky outstretched- something we used to do when we were young, to keep a promise. I realise quickly then drop my arm, looking down at my shoes, embarrassed. But before my arm can reach my side, he reaches out and hooks his pinky around mine, his touch suprising and warm.

We both look up and our eyes meet.

A sense of familiarity and comfort runs through me.

"Okay," He drops my hand almost unwillingly, staring deep into my eyes, lost in them the same way I am lost in his. No. I blink and I am found again, but I don't avert my eyes. "I'll hold you to that promise."

He takes a step back and it's only then I realise how close together we were.

I look away, ashamed I let myself drift like that.

He walks toward the door, opening it for me, and looking outside, I remember who I am meant to be. Who I decided I am.

I nod at Terrance once and walk out, the door shutting behind me.

I step off the porch a new girl- a girl that isn't Adelaide Amirault- and shake off the fuzzy feeling the moment inside gave me.

I walk down the street and head for the main shopping area, by the harbour.


I look down at my phone.


"Shit." I mumble under my breath.

I'm lost and late.

I never knew how big this town actually is.

I examine the street around me.

Three people are walking in front of me and another is behind me, walking away.

I accidentally make eye contact with a boy, about 18, walking towards me. His dark, curled hair flops around on his head, full of life.

He smirks slightly and I immediately look down, my cheeks blushing.

I am about to cross the road to avoid the boy when a hand wraps around my forearm.

I look down at the strong hand then up at the owner.

The boy of course.

"Hey, you ok? You look lost." He says, his face bordering on the edge of worry.

I smile, I can't help it.

"U-uh yeah I suppose I am." His syrupy eyes hold so much, it's hard to trust his intentions. "Do you know where Calson Street is?" I realise he still holding onto my arm and I twitch away slightly. He looks embarrassed and drops it quickly.

"Sorry," His eyes drop to the floor but they quickly lock back onto my face,- without lingering on my waist, like Terrance- filled with confidence. "Calson Street is just a few blocks away, I'll walk you."

"No, no. You don't have to-" I begin before he inerrupts me, waving his hand in dismissal.

"I'm walking you." He turns and starts walking, I follow hesitantly. "Besides, it can get pretty dangerous 'round here, especially for a beautiful girl like you." He keeps his eyes on the space in front of him and I'm glad because I realise he is the first boy to call me beautiful that isn't related to me. I look down at my feet, feeling my face get extremely hot, extremely fast.

I look back up and see him looking at me. I tuck a lose strand of hair behind my ear and stare back at him. "What is it?"

There's that smirk again.

"What's your name?" He asks ignoring my question.

I panic instantly. How could I forget? I'm not meant to be Adelaide Amirault.

But if I'm not her, who am I?

"It wasn't a trick question." He laughs when i dont answer.

I look around discreatly and notice a street sign out the corner of my eye.

Victoria Drive.

It will do.

"V-Victoria." I say, as casually as I can manage.

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