Chapter 1: The Born of a Monster

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Sitting on the back of his limousine, on his way to the Horton's packhouse, Drake Silvermoon suddenly received an unsettling message from his beta, Ken Byrd.

Guess who's gonna be married tonight?

Ken later attached the photos that he saved from Lola Lebedev's Woof account just right before the teenage girl blocked him.

"The fuck!" It made Drake's blood boil to see the pictures, he quickly closed his phone and then yelled to his chauffeur, "can't you drive faster, Terry?"

"I'm at maximum speed, Drake, can't go faster than this!" Terry Chester replied.

"Damn it!" Drake cussed. He pushed the button next to him to open the windowpane, which made a gust of wind blasted into his car.

Ignoring the whirlwind that twisted his long-dirty-blonde hair, Drake Silvermoon tried to smell for his soulmate's scent, 'he's near,' he smirked and then swiftly jumped out of the car from the opening window.

"Drake what are you doing?" Terry warned his future alpha as he watched Drake's movement from the rearview mirror. But it was too late since Drake completely ignored his warning and jumped away.

'Dang, that man is nuts!' Terry was baffled to witness how crazy Drake could be.


As Drake was running through the forest for a faster shortcut to reach the Horton's packhouse, he suddenly remembered how miserable his past was and he didn't want that to happen again.

'Noah... all I need is him to be happy...' The alpha thought while running like a madman, 'I must stop his wedding before it's too late!'


Looking back to his past, the life of Drake Silvermoon wasn't always perfect. It was just after the Silvermoon took over Violet's packhouse and Drake's parents were too busy establishing the Silvermoon pack to be the strongest pack.

That's why Lea and Thomas Silvermoon almost had no time for their son, which made Drake feel very lonely. Lea Silvermoon was too busy making allies with other strong packs all over the world. She was often hosting party after party and almost paid no attention to her son. While Thomas Silvermoon was also busy with his new line of career. Thanks to the generous funding from his father-in-law, Isiah Scarlet, Thomas quit his shady business selling illegal drugs on the street and began a legit business in the hospitality industry like restaurants, hotels, and resorts.

Days after days Drake Silvermoon spent his time all by himself. He didn't have any friends in school since all of sudden, Zach Violet spread a nasty rumor of him being the son of a gangster. It made all the kids in school cast him away.

When the poor child tried to talk with his parents, Lea and Thomas never took Drake seriously and asked the maid to escort him back to his room.

Couldn't bear the emptiness in his heart, one day, before he went to sleep, the ten-year-old-alpha did what he had never done before. He prayed to the moon goddess for a soulmate. Since one of his maids told him that every werewolf had a soulmate and it made him urged for one.

"Dear Moon Goddess, please grant me a perfect soulmate who always loves me no matter what..."

But of course, the Moon Goddess couldn't instantly grant his wish since werewolves needed to reach the age of eighteen before they could find his/her true soulmate, and the young alpha didn't have the patience to wait that long.

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