Chapter 14

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I cried the entire walk back to the venue. Dan stood on one side of me and Phil stood on the other. They each had an arm around my shoulders, holding me up. I really just needed to talk to Christian.

By the time we got back my eyes were all red and my face was all splotchy. Basically, I was not a pretty cryer. Everyone could tell I had been crying. Thankfully Christian's line only had a few girls left in it. I stayed out of his sight until his line was completely done because I knew if he saw me like this he would come over. He looked really tired and I'm sure he was hungry.

I was getting sick of people staring so I went to the bathroom and sat in the stall. "Hey, I'm done finally. The guys gave me my food, thanks for remembering. They said you needed to talk to me about something, but they didn't tell me? I'm at the tables we were at before." I read Christian's text and decide to try to make myself look a little better before I go find him.

When I finally feel like I look okay I leave the bathroom to go find Christian. It takes me a while because I forgot where we were sitting before. When I walk up to him I try to muster up my biggest fake smile. "Hey, you look happy." He says. Good it worked. I just smile back at him and sit down. "So what did you need to talk about?" He asks. "Eat your lunch first, I want to go for a walk and we can talk about it then."

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