Chapter 4

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Quick note!
Hey guys, so I'm going to start using POVs instead of writers view because the POV stile is more in my comfort zone! Okie, enjoy this chapter! X
Y/n's POV:

I couldn't sleep. I guess I'm still getting used to this whole thing, I got out of Brees capsule a tip toed out of the room. This place is nothing like I've ever seen! Well, I've only really been to army facilities and a shed where Krane kept me.

I decided to go outside, I stepped out of the building and down to the edge of the island, I sat down, the tips of my shoes just toaching the water.

*Now would be a good time to practise my water manipulation.* I thought to myself. I moved my hands, hovering them above eachother, wiggling my fingers in unison until a small ball of water rose from the ocean, my eyes glowed blue as it got bigger and bigger.

"Shit!" I said as the ball kept getting bigger and bigger. This is what is wrong. After I've formed some water, it grows out of control.

A flash of light hit the now huge bubble of water, making it burst, spraying water everywhere. I squinted as the light hit my eyes too. Blinking, I looked up to see who had helped me. Chase...

"Thanks..." I mumbled as he sat next to me. I put my head down and fiddled with my nails.

"Why are you up?" He asked trying to get my attention.

"Why are you up?" I asked him, I don't really like talking about my feelings.

"Y/n... I asked you first." He chuckled and looked out into the horizon.

"Fine, I couldn't sleep. Ok now you." I asked tapping his knee. The sun was shining off of Chases face. Making his chocolate brown eyes glimmer, there was a little wind as it brushed his spikey hair back.

"I woke up and saw you leave so I followed you." He let out another chuckle, his smile was so sweet and filled with love and hope it made me smile too. There's somthing about Chase that I can't lay my finger on, he just feels right...

Just then I realised I was staring, so I flicked my eyes away and got up onto my feet, brushing my hair back with my fingers.

"Thanks again Chase for helping me with that." He nodded but before we stepped away from the edge it looked like he had something to say.

"Tomorrow, when we start your training, we can start on the basics of water manipulation. Then we can recap your fire and air. Ok?" He said in a calming voice. I yawned so big, I must've looked ridiculous because Chase laughed a little before catching my yawn.

We walked back into the room, said goodnight and the next thing I know I was woken up by a purple flash of light that got rid of my black uniform that Krane gave me and replaced it with a different one.

A black T-shirt with grey shoulder pads and Black combat trousers appeared in its place.

"Whats this?" I said in a croaky morning voice making Adam laugh.

"Hehe... She sounds like a frog." He said before being hit in the arm by Chase.

"Seeing as you are a new student here, we got you the schools uniform. You will be tested at the end of the day to determine your colour." Chase said, grabbing a tablet and showing a chart.

Yellow = Basics (1st)
Green = 2nd level
Orange = 3rd level
Red = Experts (4th)

"We have a feeling that you might be Green or Orange. But it depends on how in control you are of your powers." Bree said rolling her head around in discomfort along with her shoulders. I felt bad for taking her capsule.

"Your capsule Is ready, so you can move down to the student accommodations tonight. You will also be given PJs because you can't wear the same thing 24/7!" Leo chuckled as I got more and more confused.

"Why not? I mean, I always used to." I said leaving all 4 kids looking at me in a way I can't really describe.

"Krane made you all wear your uniforms all the time?!" Leo asked a little too loudly, I which I responded with a head nod.
With that we left the room and got ready to start the day.

(745 words)

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The elemental Bionic (Chase Davenport)Where stories live. Discover now