6| Getting Suspicious

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The sunshine didn't want to give me peace at all. It was forcing its way into the room making it too bright to continue sleeping. I noticed Mabena had woken up already and ooh, it was thirty four minutes past 7am. After the usual prayer, I walked into the living room to meet only Mabena and she was cleaning up the place.

"Good morning", I said.

"Good morning".

"How was your night?".

"Erm, it was ok", I managed to say.

"Grandpa and Grandma.....".

"Oh, they went for a walk".

I wasn't actually surprised because they were old and they had to exercise to maintain their health.

"So Mabena how can I help?".

"Unfortunately, you didn't wake up early so everything has been done. I mean everything."

"Whoa!", I told myself. She must be really hardworking. I made a mental note to ask her about that.

"So you can brush your teeth, have your bath and take breakfast."

"Just like that?".

I hated to look like a nuisance and a lazy girl to people. I just decided to wake up early next time to avoid this kind of situations.

We ate some ordinary breakfast of tea and brown bread smeared with peanut butter. It tasted good though. Maybe it wasn't as ordinary as I perceived it to be.

I was feeling really bored. Scrolling through my Instagram news feed wasn't helping. Neither did music solve it. I was scrolling through my photo gallery and saw the pictures of the Keta beach I saw on Google. Then an idea popped into my head—why not go to the beach with Mabena?

With the permission of grandma, at about 11am, Mabena and I set off to the beach which was not to far away from home.

The view was ecstatic.  Just when I was kind of getting involved with the oceans ripples, I remembered Audrey. I decided to call her.

"Hey Audrey".

"Hey Manu".

"How is it going?".

"Normal", I replied.

"Have you texted him", Audrey enquired.

"Oh I forgot. I'll do so after the call. But how are you by the way?".

"I'm good . It's just that sitting behind the screens is gets boring sometimes. All week I was watching some YouTube videos to get some new skills".

"Oh cool".

"Not that cool but it must be done if I want to become better".

"I think my mum is calling me. I'll call you in a few hours".


After the call my heart was racing. I was way nervous to text him. I finally got the courage to do it and it wasn't that bad.

Me: Hey Emma it's Manuella.

Emmanuel: Yeah how are you doing?

Me: I'm good and you?

Emmanuel: I'm okay. Any problem?

I ran into a state of confusion. How was I going to reply to that? I tried.

Me: Erm, just wanted to say hi.

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