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Trigger warning!
Contains Suicidal thoughts and Suicide and a small amount of insults if they make you feel uncomfortable you may skip. Thank you!

1 month have passed by and it's still is getting worse and worst of all They haven't called me nor texted me

The beatings continued they even send me texts that I should just end it all after all they said I was just a waste of space.

And still Here is Adrien telling me to take the High Road.

One day, I never thought that this situation could get much more worse not only Adrien joined the beating squad saying he's tired of telling me to take the high road but even my own parents believed Lila. Every now and then I would get beaten up by Adrien and go home to get a silent treatment from my Parents.

"Follow me! I. Am. Nothing." Adrien Said as he's punching me with the help of Kim and Ivan while behind them is a amused Lila and Alix.

I really never thought Adrien could do this and Man he can pack a punch.

I followed and he gave me a smirk.

"My. parents  hate. me. And. I. Will. Never. dreams." He said

Once again I followed

It continues on, he keeps insulting my Dreams, my Achievements, even my looks.

It hurts, it goddamn hurts!

He finished it off with a

"I. should. kill. myself. one. cares. about. me. He said grinning

I followed through with hiccups and sob

They all laugh and left.

"What did I do to deserve this" I sobbed

But it's true no one cares about me. My Parents? Nope. My Friends? I don't know anymore. Chat Noir? Never. He only flirts and hates me in my Civilian form.

Maybe just Maybe he's right.

As if Tikki had read my mind she pops out and hugged my cheek

"Oh Mari... Don't listen to him" she said. Seriously what was Adrien thinking?! I'll have a talk about this with Plagg. Tikki thought

"But he's right.... No one cares about me Anymore..." I whispered I hoped Tikki didn't heard it

But she did

How unfortunate for me

"MARINETTE!" she shouted

"Never ever think about that! I care about you even your friends even master Fu even Plagg!.... Just Mari please we all care about you" she said while tears are streaming out of her pretty big blue eyes

"I'm sorry Tikki....." She said and hugged the kwami.

No she's not sorry for believing him, she's sorry for making her cry.

Third person POV:

She's tired of all the things she's experiencing, numbed to all that are thrown to her. She just wanted to be free from all of this despair but how? She knows if she did what they wanted her to do her friends would be upset knowing they're not here to stop her but she really just wanted to end things.

She planned and planned to leave a much less painful ending to her story

Ofcourse she tried spending time with her family but no they didn't even eat the breakfast she made just straight up threw it away.

That hurt her really bad.

She then just spend all of her remaining week with Tikki cause after this at Monday morning next next week from now she'll be gone, She planned this thoroughly.

I'm Sorry...Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt