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            Blake woke in a cold sweat, shaking.  The nightmares were back.  She had been back at the school, trying to save the three kids.  No matter what she did though the outcome was always the same.  She couldn’t save them.  The troubled teen’s eyes always haunted her dreams.  If only she could have reached him.  Found something in common with him.  A better-trained cop would have been able to prevent the tragedy.  Or at least that’s how she felt.

            The young woman got up, being careful not to wake Dixie.  Right now she didn’t even want her loyal dog’s company.  She crept out into the hallway, hearing voices.  Good, it sounded like everyone was busy with other things.  That would give her a chance to slip out without being seen.  Blake quickly pulled on her sneakers and disappeared outside.

            She headed for the barn; thinking visiting the horses would help settle her nerves.  Blake walked down the aisle until she found Sunny and Blue who Colton had introduced her to before.  Blue whickered softly and stuck his head over his half door, nuzzling Blake’s arm.  She smiled and let herself into the stall, leaning against his bluish-gray neck.  Blue burred and craned his neck around her.

            “What am I going to do, Blue?  If I disappear again will they leave Colton and Alexia alone?”

            She didn’t even know who was after her and why.  If she could figure that out maybe she could make a deal with them.  But where to start?  Blue’s head shot up and Blake spun around.  A dark haired cowboy that she didn’t recognize stood outside the stall.  Blake shrunk closer to Blue’s neck.

            “I’m sorry, ma’am,” he said, touching the brim of his black cowboy hat that was shading his eyes.  “I didn’t mean to scare you.  My name’s Dom.  I usually work with the horses.  I was actually just coming down to get Blue out for a ride.”

            Blake slowly started to relax.  She didn’t see anything threatening about him.  He looked like your typical cowboy in jeans, boots, a T-shirt, and jacket.  Besides, she didn’t figure Colton’s family would just hire anyone.  She really needed to stop jumping at her own shadow.  That was no way to live.

            “Um do you think I could help?  Blue and I have sorta become buddies.”

            The young man smiled, showing perfect white teeth in a tanned face.  “That’s a wonderful idea.  I can get Warpaint out as well,” he said, sounding happy about her offer.

            Blake smiled a bit shyly.  “I can get Blue’s tack then.”

            Dom nodded and stepped back to allow her out of the stall.  Blake patted Blue’s shoulder before slipping out of the stall.  Maybe a nice ride on her favorite horse would help her relax and be able to think clearly again.

            Alexia rubbed her eyes and groaned softly.  She had been searching online for the past three hours and hadn’t really gotten anywhere.  She just hoped that Gage was having more luck then her.  She leaned back against the headboard and closed her eyes.  Now she was starting to understand why Blake was so jumpy.

            Alexia hadn’t been able to get the whole story as Blake was the only witness still living and she had refused to give a comment.  She had been able to piece a few things together though.  Apparently two of the victims had been cousins and the girl was a girlfriend.  Although no one really knew what had happened. The story from the other students and teachers was that the cousins didn’t get along, but they had never caused any trouble.

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