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            Alexia paced across her soft, flower patterned throw rug.  She easily skirted around the well-worn green sofa and coffee table.  Her arms were folded over her chest as she tried to take everything in.  Why was Colton here?  She remembered staying in D.C. a few times with Blake and staying up to the wee hours of the morning talking about Blake’s very handsome and eligible partner.  She had really thought Blake had a bright future ahead of her and then she had just up and disappeared without a word, an occasional phone call the only proof she had that her baby sister was still alive.

            “Why are you here, Colton?” she asked, turning to stare him down, hands on her shapely hips.  “I haven’t seen you in over fiver years.”

            Colton sighed.  “I’d forgotten you were always straight to the point.”  Alexia smirked a bit, but didn’t back down.  “Blake is in Montana.”

            “What?!” she demanded, narrowing the same green eyes that her sister had.  “How do you know that?”

            He held his hands up in a peace offering.  “She’s at my place with my parents.”  She narrowed her eyes, knowing there was more that he wasn’t saying.  It wouldn’t make sense that Blake would go to Colton instead of finding her.  “Okay, okay,” he surrendered.  “I think your sister may have a stalker.  She’s been getting odd calls.  One threatened your safety.  Which is why I’m here.”

            Alexia frowned as she sat on the edge of the sofa.  She didn’t like the sound of any of this.  “I don’t understand.  I haven’t seen Blake in years.  Why would anyone want to come after me?”

            “You’re sister.  Come after you and they’ll have Blake right where they want her.”

            “Who?!” she demanded.  “Blake never mentioned any enemies.”

            “We don’t know yet.  That’s why I want you to come back to Montana with me.  It will be easier to protect you both that way.”

            She shook her head, her dust brown ponytail brushing against her shoulders.  “I can’t just leave.  My team depends on me.”

            “And I’m trying to save yours and your sister’s lives.  Now pack a bag before I make you.”

            Alexia shot him a dirty look as she got to her feet.  She stormed back to her tiny bedroom, banging her door shut and the drawers just to make a point.  She reached up and pulled her worn, leather duffel off the shelf in her closet before starting to toss clothes into it.  She had no idea how long she would be gone or how she was going to explain any of this to her captain.

            The firefighter collapsed onto the corner of her double bed.  “What did you get yourself into, Blake?” she mumbled.

            None of this was making any sense.  Who would want to hurt Blake?  Yes, she had been a cop, but Blake had never mentioned anyone that she would classify as an enemy.  Alexia scrubbed at her face.  If this turned out to be some sort of hoax she was going to throttle both her sister and her cop partner.

            Alexia finally got up, grabbed her duffel, and headed back to the living room.  She was surprised to see that Colton hadn’t moved from in front of the door.  Apparently he was in a hurry.  She walked past him to get her hiking boots.  She purposely took longer then necessary to tie her hiking boots, wondering how much she could push his patience.  He was certainly just as handsome as she remembered. Maybe…no, now wasn’t the time to play matchmaker.  Not until she knew if this was a hoax or not.

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