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Lila stayed true to her words, As soon as she came back she began plotting plans on how she would destroy Marinette. Simple Lies, just Simple lies that's all what it takes to ruin her after all they're all easy to fool.

Marinette's POV:

*Beep! Beep!* *Beep! Beep!*
" Arghh... Tikki what time is it right now?" She said still sleepy after pulling an all nighter just to finish her homework, y'all may be wondering why... Well hawkmoth decided it will be fun to release an akuma while she's trying to answer her psychics homework.

" Well it's only 6: 40 Mari!" Tikki said surprised after all she's used to her choosen waking up late but strangely she actually woke up bright and early.

" Oh wow, I better get ready I really don't want to be late again." She said while climbing down

After 10 minutes of dressing and getting ready she got down and actually eating breakfast and not her usual routine of getting a croissant and dashing to school, as she ate her breakfast she couldn't help but feel bright and cheery.

As she bid her goodbyes to her Parents she walked to School not knowing what is prepared for her

*10 minutes earlier*

Third person POV:

Lila walked in knowing that on this day forward Marinette would all be alone like what she promised.

All eyes fell on the limping liar as she pretend to be hurt, almost everyone run to her, asking who did this.

Lila liked the attention but she couldn't help but notice that Adrien is not even looking at her that made her mad why is he not looking at her.

She was pulled out of her angry glare when she heard a familiar yet annoying voice.

Marinette's POV

As soon as I walk in I saw Lila surrounded by the class and covered with bruises I hate her and all but I got concerned.

"Lila, What happened?" I ask simply concerned about her.

She looked at me and begun to shed crocodile tears.

"Please don't hurt me!' she said and continued shedding tears.

As she said those words I was given deathly glares then I felt a stung at my right cheek I looked to the one who slap me..... And it was Alya

I can't believe it, Alya my Best friend, the one I trust the most, just slapped me....

"Why did you do it!?" She said angrily

"I didn't do it! I..I just got here Alya, come on I'm your friend please believe me..." I said as I held her hands and try not to shed tears

"No... Your not my friend anymore... Not now and never will, now if you excuse me I'm gonna comfort Lila." She said as she ushered Lila to my Seat

I was about to go to the back of the class when I heard a scoff.

"This is ridiculous utterly ridiculous! Y'all literally believed that liar than Dupain Cheng" Chloe said and everyone just rolled their eyes

"Seriously? We all know Marinette for years, y'all are friends for years! You know what whatever y'all are ridiculous." Chloe continued and got her bag and walked to the back too

She was shocked by Chloe's outbursts and rushed to the back also.

"Why did you do that Chloe, I thought you hate me?" She said as she sat down.

Chloe looked at her and suddenly hugged her and whispered

"I'm sorry, I never hated you it was just I...I was jealous of you, you got all you want that money cannot buy, you got friends and a loving family. I wanted to apologize to you and start over you know? Well that's if you want to.." after she said that I can't help but cry, Chloe noticed but said nothing as she just comfort her.

"Thanks and I would love to Chloe" I said as I gave her a hug.

We just sat there all day until School is over

I was about to go home when someone hold my wrist I looked behind me and saw Adrien

"Marinette....You should have just took the high road then all of this wouldn't happen" he said looking at her sadly

"You know she lies Adrien.... Why didn't you atleast helped me out back there" I asked as tears are threatening to fall

"I Can't, I don't want her to get Akumatized" he said

I scoffed "what about me? How about me?..... Are my feelings doesn't matter to you?" I said as tears are falling

"No it's not like that.... it's just she's a strong akuma..." He said hoping that she would understand but sadly No.

"So you think I'm weak? If that's what you think about me then..... Goodbye Agreste." I said as I ran to my home and straight to my room.

I never thought that just one day, One Day I would lose all my friends and my Crush thinking I'm weak.

I just laid there crying and sobbing

"Oh Marinette....." Tikki said as she stroke her paws against my head attempting to comfort me.

" I just can't believe it Tikki! I...I lost them all... And They all hate me!" I sobbed harder

"Atleast you still have Chloe and me, Marinette..." Tikki said and kissed her forehead

I smiled "thanks Tikki, I.... I just want to rest for a bit" I said as I yawned exhausted from crying.

"I really thought today would be a great day" I said as I looked at the picture collage of my friends I sighed sadly.

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