Hold me tight! [Hajime x M! Reader] !Short!

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(Requested by @sotrasaiki enjoy!)

"Hajime! Let me in!" You cried, banging on the door and waiting for your best friend to let you in.

"Gosh! You are impatient!" Hajime gasped, opening the door with a deadpanned expression. You blushes slightly, seeing that he only had a towel around his waist and one over his shoulders. "Come on in, make yourself at home. Im going to get dressed." Hajime quickly went up the stairs to his room to get dressed, leaving you alone in the living room.

"Well he said 'make yourself at home'.." you mumbled, tossing your bag by the fireplace and sitting down on the couch, waiting for him to come back.

"So sorry about that, bro!" Hajime apologized, sliding down the railing and walking over to the couch, putting down a flat box on the coffee table.

"What's that?" You asked, putting your hands behind your head.

"A Ouija board!"


Hajime let out a laughed, grabbing the box and putting it in his lap. "It's a Ouija board. You use it to walk to the dead." He explained, tapping the box with his finger. You nodded, making your mouth into an 'o' shape. "Wanna try it?"

"You bet I do!" You beamed, getting close to his face. Dark red blush coated both of your cheeks when you realize how close you were to him. "Sorry Hajime.."

"N-no..it's cool." He stuttered out, looking away slightly while scratching his cheek in embarrassment. "Anyway! Let's go this!"

"This there someone here?" You asked, looking at Hajime then around the room. The two of you let out a gasp, watching the pendant slowly move to the 'yes', then back to the middle. You looked over at Hajime and nodded slightly. He look a deep breath, closing his eyes before looking at you.

"You do you know either me or (Y/N)?" Hajime asked, seeing that you were giving him a 'what kind of question was that?' face. Hajime shrugged his shoulders, rolling his eyes playfully.

'Family Friend. (Y/N).'

"That's fucking terrifying..." you whispered, tensing up slightly. As the game went on, the replies got weirder and weirder. You looked at Hajime and saw that he was freaking out as well, making you even more nervous.

"Hajime, there's something I'd like to tell you!" You blurted out, scared out of your mind.


"I like you! Ever since we went into fifth grade!" You confessed, blush coating your cheeks.

"Me too!" Hajime blurted out, blush also coating his cheeks.

"Do you want to be my boyfriend?"


"And that's how we got together!" Hajime smirked, wrapping an arm around your waist. You laughed slightly, seeing everyone's shocked faces.


"Awe, that's so cute!"

"You two are going to hell for doing a demonic game."

"What's going on?"

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